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Posts posted by lali

  1. On ‎2018‎/‎11‎/‎04 at 4:24 PM, _a_rayofsunshine_ said:

    Just keep it simple. Whether she takes pharmaceuticals or vitamins, the risk is ALWAYS there to spread. I feel people like to have “hope” or sugarcoat to partners they won’t get it by including percentages of transmission but the simple way is to say it’s 50-50; you should hope for the best, but moreso expect to get it if you choose to have relations with someone who is H positive. I also don’t take antivirals because they don’t work & if you do a little reading on this site, the side effects aren’t great or what I would consider safe. Ppl who take them complain of more outbreaks than those who choose a holistic route, from my research.  

    I see everywhere that you keep saying its 50/50, which is totally false. There is always a chance but its NOT 50/50 everytime. I don't like sugar coating either but I think your pushing it.

  2. On ‎2018‎/‎05‎/‎28 at 11:52 PM, happyman_adventurous said:

    Hi @benzgt excellent input, thanks.


    74% of staying safe in a lifetime of sex is better than nothing... but it still leaves a wide room for something bad to happen. I don't know how to feel about it.


    I calculated male-to-female risk using condoms + medication, and it gives 0.467, or about 47% of staying safe after 30 solid years of sexual activity 2x per week.


    That is, 53% of possibilities you would pass it. Half of that, I assume, if you go 1x per week.


    It is somehow depressing.


    I'm looking into some condoms for men that cover the penis base, will post soon about it.

    Well if your still with her after 30 years does it still matter of you catch it?

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  3. On ‎2018‎/‎08‎/‎13 at 10:57 AM, mr_hopp said:

    This question is one that goes down in history as one of the unanswerable questions. It's hard to tell timeline, even based on the best of blood tests. Only way to answer that is if both of you have been getting consistent and reliable STD tests over time. Also, it's hard to say whether he has herpes or not, even if you've been having unprotected sex for a year. Technically, for herpes to be passed to a man without signs or symptoms, without meds, without protection, the risk is 4% per year (10% for women because of more mucous membrane). So the chances are actually pretty low. Has he been tested? He should either get an IgG test or Western Blot (WB costs more out of pocket, but is the best and most comprehensive).  

    Just read somewhere on the forum that people can shed between 5 to 45% of the time so how is it 4%? Doesn't seem like those numbers are for everybody.

  4. On ‎2015‎/‎10‎/‎05 at 1:46 PM, NothingGoodGetsAway said:

    This is why it's such a frustrating little bugger to have! Wcsdancer2010 has already answered your questions, but this is why there is still that 4% risk with condoms and meds - we just can't know when we're shedding. Maybe I'm shedding at 7pm for an hour and have sex the next morning - crisis averted, without ever knowing. The only thing we can do is know our symptoms, take our meds, and leave the rest up to fate.


    The only numbers we need to know are the general risk reductions with condoms and meds, that we *might* shed more in the first year and know that any symptoms or outbreak tosses all those numbers out the window. Any more numbers and we would go insane. I've read studies that some people shed anywhere from 5%-45% in the first year (without suppression). Well what the heck do I do with that? I wasn't part of the study so I have no idea where I fall. Though I would say, the more prodromes, itching, tingling, etc you have, assume the higher the shedding. And in your case, no outbreaks with the meds would likely put you on the lower end!


    It's something I've been considering, now that I have a partner that I really truly care for. I am open and honest when I feel anything down there, and when I don't I giddily grab the condoms! But there may come a time when, despite my best efforts, something happens. And when it does, it won't be my fault. 


    We do what we can to protect the trust we are given, and our partners know the risk and see far past it (further than we can).




    45% ?!?!?!?!?!

  5. On ‎2019‎/‎01‎/‎03 at 4:10 PM, Lost4ever43 said:

    I’ve been looking for similar information... I have type 1 & 2 both genitally... I wonder if I’m more contagious because of this ?  Or maybe not because HSV 1 genitally doesn’t shed as much ??? 

    I'm in exactly the same situation as you. I can't seem to find answer anywhere but I believe it does make us somewhat more contagious.

  6. I'm glad i found this group. I only saw one or two stories of people not transmitting to their h - partner. I'm hsv 1 and 2 + and I struggle to keep my ob under control. I've had these two viruses for about 2 years and a half now. And if i stop to take valacyclovir i get an ob almost immediately. I still feel like I'm having constant prodome too so i started taking lysine everyday. I'm looking into what other supplements i could take. I know my main trigger is stress, anxiety and lack of sleep. I didn't mind that much before but now that I'm looking to getting sexual active again it stressed me the f* out. I just wanna know if other people had positive outcome in not transmitting to your male partner and what precautions you took and how long have you been sexual active with them. I'm looking for my ever lasting love but would feel completely awful if i transmitted it to someone i care for. So @Lstgryl i understand your concern. I don't think i have it orally so i have given head with no condoms in hope that its okay. I'm a little scared about this because i did give oral to my ex while he had an ob. We didn't know he had hsv. 

  7. On 4/16/2019 at 3:02 AM, Lstgryl said:

    Yeah, I never had an outbreak until I started waxing. I’ve been scared to wax after being diagnosed. I know I should leave the area alone, but I burst one of the bumps and it had a little bus and blood in it. Sorry if I’m too graphic. 

    Only way to find out would be by swab. Don't worry too much about it though. Maybe get him to get tested in a couple of weeks? And again in 2 months to make sure he had time to build enough antibodies to be detectable. Thats IF he even caught anything. Anyways i know you would feel awful but he took the chance and knew what he was getting himself into. 


    @justagirl72 No I don't think that that would cause transmission. From what I have read it's only skin to skin contact that can transmit the virus.

    In theory yes but if the vaginal fluid comes in contact with the infected skin the virus will be in the fluid. The fluid that went through the underwear for sure passed by the shedding skin. Which is why im worried because without thinking i touched his face near his eyes couple of seconds after blocking him and touching my underwear where it was wet, where i get my usual ob's. Just trying to figure out if anybody in a discordant relationship have been in that position before. 


    I'm not sure if i should be worrying 

  9. @justagirl72 im just curious. You said you were in a relationship with a guy for 3 years and would abstain from sex if you felt anything down there. Has it had happen that he would touch your underwear while they were wet during those times? I'm just overly worrying and want to know what people do if they aren't sure the virus is shedding. Not sure if i put him at risk. You know just touching a bit before i could push his hand away. 

  10. I cannot seem to find a clear answer to this. 

    First i have hsv 1 and 2. I THINK i am having prodome at the moment. Unusual vaginal discharge, feeling of pinch maybe a little red and swollen labia (i get it on my labia) but no sores and not really any pain when touching the area, no tingling. I have been very exhausted though. I'm on daily suppressive therapy.

    So the guy i am dating touched my wet underwear and then proceed to touch his face and etc. On the spot it is not always obvious to worry about it. But now im overly worrying myself. Can he transmit the virus to parts of his body by touching my underwear knowing it was wet so the liquid most likely came into contact of the area i was having prodome. His hand might of been moist by fluid. What are the chances here? To transmit to his face or penis by touching those parts afterwards.

    Anyone PLEASE answer.

  11. @boldaslove thank u very much for ur answer! I understand the risk are there, hopefully he will be okay. Atleast the risk arent as high as i was imagining. yes its very frustrating having questions and worries but nobody to talk to. I cant even talk to doctors because they don't even know much about herpes!

  12. I just want to know if these are enough for transmitting the virus genital to hand to genital when sores are present. And really quick slight touch sores and penis? Or more rubbing is needed? Because when i gave him oral i did rub his penis with my hand that i slightly touch my vagina with....

  13. Is it enough for transmission if the penish slightly touch a herpes sore or some rubbing is needed? His penis touched where i usually get my sores for a couple of second. I blockes him afterwards with my hand so his penis wouldnt touch. Would this be enough? Thing is i didnt know i was having an outbreak. Barely any symptoms that i didnt recognize. I only saw it the next day because it started hurting a little more, constipation, lower stomach pain and vaginal discharge. And i really had to look closely to find them. So im not sure if they were already there or if i was having prodome at that time. He also fingered me and probably touched his penid afterwards would that also be enough for transmission? And i also used the same hand that i slightly touched myself when i blocked his penis from touching to give him a hand job. Im scared i might of put him in high rate of transmittion without knowing....im freaking out.

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