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Everything posted by FunnyGirl

  1. @livinglight and @SPATX919 - Starting this past November I started to experience symptoms similar to what you describe. I know I have HSV1 orally, but now a thinking perhaps I also have it down there. I often get a raw spot near my clitoris and am experiencing the itch, tingle and burning almost constantly daily to some degree. I just started suppressive Valtrex yesterday- going to start with 500mg a day to see if that warrants some relief. I have also experienced some headaches too - not sure if thats the virus or the meds?! How are you two fairing in the new year?
  2. I will definitely take some of your positive thoughts and make them my own. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Just remember that everyone handles news of this new aspect of their life differently, but the one thing we all seem to share is shock that it "happened to us." Just give him time and space to process the new diagnosis and focus your energy on taking care of YOU. Stay healthy and be positive. You did the right thing by disclosing to him and he is a grown man who needs to be responsible for his own choices and actions as well. Life isn't fair, no one DESERVES to have this H opportunity, but so many people are out there with it and we are not alone. He will come to terms with what's happening in his own way, in his own time.
  4. Hi K123. I had a really horrible holiday season myself, when this virus pretty much took hold of my health and really just complicated my relationship in so many ways. I saw you posted in the Buddy section so if you want to talk sometime. Let me know. I feel like even though our lives are very different, we are kind of in the same place. xo
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