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Hi I have been with my husband for 24 years I have genital herpes simplex but he has never had anything down below or on his mouth. We have never done oral but I really want to try it with him. Do you think the chances of him not having anything means I will be safe to give him oral I really don't want it in my mouth aswell as down below?x

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This is a great question! 

Since you've been with him for 24 years (so beautiful ❤️!!) it is possible that he may have contracted it, and may be asymptomatic. It is also possible he never contracted it at all! 

Let's say that he does have it, and you gave him oral. Your body has antibodies to protect you from contracting the same HSV you have on your genitals elsewhere on your body! So, is it hypothetically possible? Sure. But, the risk is lower because your body already has HSV-2 antibodies. 

If you are worried about your husband potentially having it, he could always get an IgG blood test. 

May you and your husband be blessed and happy!! 🌻🌄

-- Grace



Thank you so much for the reply. That is really helpful info and much appreciated. There is not a great deal of info out there about herpes I think people assume  that their life is over once they get it but it really isn't x

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Of course! Yes, and so mamy sources online are not reliable at all, which makes finding answers even more difficult to navigate!! 

You are totally right-- our lives aren't over just because of this common virus. It doesn't have the power to ruin our lives unless we give it that power! 

Stay well!! 🌻


The chances of you getting H in your mouth from oral is extremely low. I think 1% and that's from someone who has it genital. My late husband and I had mostly oral for 25 years. I am positive and he was negative. I never passed it to him. We had him checked annually. 

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