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Herpes sores in vagina?

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I’m finally healed up from my first OB, but now my vagina is itchy and I have discharge with blood streaks in it. Not every time I wipe, but a few times today. I also wiped once and had old looking, thicker blood speckles like at the end of your period. 

I’ve struggled with reoccurring BV in the past and yeast infections here and there so the itch makes me think it’s one of those, but the blood doesn’t usually happen although I’ve had blood streaked discharge a few times the last couple months with no itch. 

How can you tell if you have sores in your vagina? With my first OB, I just had a small patch of blisters on my lips. 

I don’t have any other symptoms that I had with the first OB like hurting you pee. Just concerned about this itch and blood!

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I am so sorry you are experiencing these symptoms. Please know it will heal and get better! 

Just to clarify, you have had the blood streaks months prior to when you had your first outbreak, right? 

If you have been having the blood streaks for this long, with no other symptoms, it could be from a variety of things, from birth control/hormones to an internal infection (cervix-related or another part of the vagina/cavity). I recommend going to an OBGYN or to a health clinic and have them examine the canal (they'll probably use a speculum and a light, and you can even ask for a PAP smear to ensure there isn't anything going on). They could also take a discharge sample to look at as well to check for bacterial infections. 

So, it is possible to have two+ things simultaneously occurring. You could have some skin pain internally from possible internal sores. HSV can also cause unusual amounts of vaginal discharge (usually runny or watery). However, the blood streak makes me think the discharge is related to something else (not H-related).

I would head to the OB and get checked. The vagina is a really sensitive environment, and changes in anything, from hormones to intimacy to even new soaps or products can all impact vaginal health. If you OB tries to be dismissive, really insist for testing and an exam. Your health is important!! 🙂 

I hope this helps!! Sending happy healing prayers and blessings your way!!

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