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Ihave a huge cold sore on my lip that's totally noticeable now

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So is started getting a cold sore on Monday ithink and it wasn't too bad and I thought it wasn't going to get worse.... But it did I woke up this morning and it's totally noticeable. iWork in a restaurant with high class people and ineed it to go away ASAP!!!! What can Ido at home to get rid of it. Icant afford to go out and get medicine my car went rip 2 days ago and ihave to get a new one so icant spend any money. Help please

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80% of Americans have oral herpes (aka cold sores), so chances are most people who see that on your lip will understand. Don't judge yourself for having cold sores. It's so, so common! It's like being paranoid about going to work with a pimple on your face. Everyone has gotten pimples before, right? You might project onto everyone else that they're judging you when really they understand.


So that's the psychological side of it. Here's the physical side of it. Using something like tea tree oil is super good. It dries out the cold sore and also has natural antiseptic qualities. There's no way to get rid of it within a day, so let it ride out and give yourself a break, okay? :)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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>...< alright. It's just my co worker accidentally drank after me a few days before igot it and she was joking saying ihope you don't have anything and then my co workers were making herpes jokes. Me and my coworkers are all close but ihavnt disclosed to them even my best friends of 12 years who works with me as well and idont want them to look at me differently or anything and idont really trust that they will be understanding and if is how up with a cold sore idont want them to think bad of me

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You can't control how they'll think of you, SW. That's the thing. If they judge you, they judge you (and 80% of other Americans); if they don't, they don't. You just get to keep on bein' your sweet self with a cold sore on her lip. ;)


Maybe this is an opportunity to school them on how cold sores are and aren't spread? Knowledge is pooooower! :)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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