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Could I purposely infect a specific part of my body to prevent herpes in unwanted areas?

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Could i purposley infect a specific part of my body to control my first out break? 

Really hope nobody gets mad about this question. Ive been researching non stop hour after hour. I read that during your first outbreak, the area infected remains infected. Pretty much every outbreak after that is in the same spot. Ex; the vagina. Pops up  on the vag each time. Unless during the first outbreak you scratch and spread the oils to othet regions, it doesnt spread? After that first outbreak if you come in contact with HSV2 on your butt, mouth, you wont start getting a rash there? Like the rash is going to stay put on the vagina?

Theoretically- 1. could i paper cut my toe or ankle, 2. Let it scab a day, 4. Peel scab back, 5. rub my husbands genital wart on it? Results- Moving forward i will have HSV2 but my outbreak wont be any place but my foot?

Would this mean because i already have the virus, if my vagina gets his shed HSV2 on it, i wont get a vagina reaction hecause i have foot herp? 

Side note- i know this isnt the end of the world. I know that medication exists. BUT nothing is 100% NOTHING! I wont Jinx my condition...but i unknowingly have been exposed the past year. If my results end up being negative, i dont want them to become positive. I know being together for years and years to come its gonna happen. I dont want to wake up one morning and have my first outbreak on my vagina.  I would be 10000% cool with herpes on my foot. 



Does he have Genital warts or Genital lesions/blisters.  I may be wrong but genital warts is more HPV and not HSV.   

Technically I think that could be possible since you would have the antibodies for the HSV but I am in no way a doctor.  Maybe go see an OBGYN or Dermatologist to see if that is a possibility.  

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Well then I would probably see a professional and ask if that is possible.  I think if you have herpes in your system, your antibodies help you from reinfecting anywhere else on your body but at the same time I think anything is possible with this virus.  

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I hope you are well. I honestly do not know the answer to this question, but it is interesting. 

I would consult a virologist, as that is who would be able to provide the most accurate answer.

Stay well! ❤️ 


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22 hours ago, AlliKat12 said:

Well then I would probably see a professional and ask if that is possible.  I think if you have herpes in your system, your antibodies help you from reinfecting anywhere else on your body but at the same time I think anything is possible with this virus.  

Thanks for the Hope! I will definitely make an appointment. I'm trying to get creative in controlling how this affects our sex life.

13 hours ago, Flowerteacher55 said:


I hope you are well. I honestly do not know the answer to this question, but it is interesting. 

I would consult a virologist, as that is who would be able to provide the most accurate answer.

Stay well! ❤️ 


Thank you! I think it's an interesting theory. You never know...I may end up starting a huge research study with my foot 😉


I'm going to make an appointment,  and I will update with my findings, or purpose infection. 

On 9/10/2022 at 10:08 PM, Hotpropertymanager said:

Thank you! I think it's an interesting theory. You never know...I may end up starting a huge research study with my foot 😉


I'm going to make an appointment,  and I will update with my findings, or purpose infection. 

It's a great question and thank you for asking. I'd love to hear what the virologist says. It could give a lot of relief to non hsv+ partners.

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