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Could this be oral HSV-2?

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I've been diagnosed with hsv-2. My general doctor tells me its genital herpes. I've ner had an outbreak down there. On the other hand I have had some  painful, itching, nasty looking blister on my lip. It would get swollen too. I've also gotten ulcers inside my mouth. 

I went to my gynecologist and expand everything and also got checked for anything else. He tells me everything looks good and that hes pretty sure I have oral herpes. 

My general doctor is really young and my gynecologist has more years of experience. I still don't know what to think or how to feel. 

It looks like this when I get it. 

Can anyone please share your thoughts 


  • mr_hopp changed the title to Could this be oral HSV-2?


This looks like it could be an oral cold sore. 

When you were told you have HSV-2, was it from a blood test? 

It is possible that you have Oral HSV-2; you could get the sore swabbed next time it appears and see if it comes back as type 1 or type 2. 

I hope this helps! ❤️ Stay strong! 🙂  




Hi! Thank you for answering 😊 

I had a blood test. Nothing else. I never had any blisters or anything down there. But I had blisters like the one in the picture on my lip and ulcers inside my mouth.  

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