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Neuralgia and itchy private parts

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2 weeks after my first hsv2 outbreak my gyno told me I had neuralgia .  I told her I’m severely itchy and have butt pain like burning and stabbing pain. She just chalked it all up to neuralgia.
She gave me gabapentin and it has helped a little. But does anyone else have these issues ?

desperate ,,, it keeps me up at night 

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Hi @Chelsea514,

I hear you on the neuralgia and itchy situation, that sounds super frustrating! Early on with my own herpes experience (within the first year or so), I'd get this burning sensation on the head and shaft of my penis (kind of like a sunburn feeling), but no outbreak would follow. I treated those times as prodrome symptoms and avoided any sexual activity, but eventually that went away after my immune system got a handle on it. Nowadays, I don't have any such sensations, but do have occasional outbreaks when I have gone off my daily suppressive therapy. 

It's interesting your doc pointed to neuralgia and gabapentin has only helped a bit. Are you also on daily suppressive therapy? That will help lessen the viral load, and hence help slow down the movement of the virus down your nerve pathways (which is what contributes to these kinds of sensations). 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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