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Hello, It's been year and a half, since I was diagnosed with genital herpes. I want to get some advise from you, the last two months have been weird. 2 months ago I had an outbreak, but 1 month later, a part of my penis was looking red and maybe swollen, so I decided to take Valaciclovir right away, and the swollen disappeared in less than one day (I don't know if that counts as an outbreak). But yesterday, another outbreak appeared, it's a little swollen and red. 

2 days ago I masturbated and then yesterday I had this new outbreak, is it possible that masturbating is causing me outbreaks? I didn't masturbate hard, I tried to be gentle. Does someone feel related with this?

I am going to take valaciclovir for 5 days (that's what the doctor told me), but is it not too soon to take valaciclovir again?

What is happening to me? Even these outbreaks are mild, I am having them too often, I am now worried I can't masturbate or enjoy sex ever again. Also the doctor told me, that I need to start taking Valaciclovir every day as a suppresive teraphy, but I don't know if that is going to be a good idea. 

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Hi there @iwanthope,

Sounds aggravating, sorry you’re going through it! It's possible that the redness and swelling you experienced are mild outbreaks. Masturbation itself doesn't cause outbreaks, but irritation/chafing might trigger symptoms for some people. It's good to be gentle and use plenty of lube. 

Taking Valaciclovir as your doctor advised is okay. Suppressive therapy, taking it daily (once daily for Valtrex, twice daily for Acyclovir, which is what I do to minimize outbreaks and minimize transmission to my wife), can help reduce the frequency of outbreaks up to 80%, so definitely something to consider! 

Keep is posted!

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This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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