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HSV blood tests


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Hi everyone. I know there's been a lot of discussion about these iffy HSV tests. I can't believe how hard it is to get a definitive answer/diagnosis.


The guy I thought gave me this (through oral sex) tested negative for hsv through blood tests. Last night I went to dinner with him and he called the hospital to make sure they tested for hsv. Turns out they did---negative. Are these tests often wrong??


Not really relevant, but he's also never had any symptoms, never a cold sore in his entire life.


Because of all of the above, is it unlikely I got it from him?



I hear your frustration and you are not alone. Because the Medical world sees Herpes as a minor issue, the funding for more accurate tests is not available...they direct the money to more important research like HIV and cancer.... the emotional toll has not been recognized nearly as much as it should be for H+.


Given what you said above, I'd guess that unless he was VERY recently exposed elsewhere (about 4 months back from the time of the test) before you got together (sorry, forgot your story...been reading so many on here!) he didn't give it to you. Herpes can lie dormant for MANY years - I have learned of 2 women this week who had their first OB's after 27 and 32+ years of their likely exposure.


Odds are now you will never know where you got it. Outside of trying to be responsible and let the other person know, in the end it doesn't really matter... that is in the past ... your job now that you have clarified this with the guy is to take care of you and your health and be responsible from this point onwards. It's all you can do, really, ya know? Obsessing about it at this point will just give you dark circles under your eyes :p




"...to take care of you and your health and be responsible from this point onwards..." @WCSDancer2010


That's exactly the wake-up call my H symptoms have given me. What a shame that more funds can't be funneled into more accurate tests, perhaps even a swab test that could one day be available OTC (like a pregnancy test). Perhaps one day, such a test could have this website listed for support! Ok, dreaming, I know...but hey, why not?!

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