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An Unwelcome Setback

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Hi everyone-

I've taken a hiatus from the forum, but now I'm back! The reason: I was doing amazingly well, meaning no severe outbreaks for 3 whole months. That may not seem like a lot to some, but for me it was thee best feeling.


Unfortunately, about a week ago, I noticed a bump -down there- so I took a pill for 2 days and it disappeared. Great, right? Well last night, I woke up to an I controllable urge to scratch (rub vigorously) - again - down there. Many of you may know that unwelcome slightly painful feeling that sets in afterwards. Ugh


Why this happened now is beyond me. I was doing so well. I figured out that it's not my diet, because I have my healthy days and my not do healthy fast food days.

I exercise, stretch, laugh, never get upset, etc.


What I have noticed is that I recently started worrying - a lot, like in the last week. I wonder if that has an impact on how my body is reacting.


Weird huh? I wish I could find a better way of controlling those nighttime episodes of itching.

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"What I have noticed is that I recently started worrying"


Worry=stress - so yes, that could be part of it. Herpes has a way of telling you when your body is not happy with your life :p


Try Epsom Salts baths - and some are finding Colloidal Silver useful and another thing someone likes was Aveeno ACTIVE NATURALS® Colloidal Oatmeal body wash....


AND - it's just reality - you can and likely will have outbreaks at times. You just have to learn to manage them. ;)

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