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Merry Christmas to me

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Jb - First - welcome!


I know it may seem crazy right now but I promise life WILL get back to normal ... for now, I am sure you will have questions and frustrations to put on here. Know we are here to help you through this experience.... some of us have had it for the majority of our lives and we are living proof that life DOES indeed go on with herpes...



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Hey, me too! I'm actually buying mine a Christmas gift to celebrate our first outbreak (OB) together. That's right, Harry the Herp (that's what I've named him) is getting flowers, a box of aclovir something or other wrapped up nice and tight, and a card that says "Welcome to the Body." I'm trying to butter him up hoping we'll get along well over the years to come.


Psychology 101; Be nice to your herpes and they'll be nice to you. If they fail that course, enroll them in Psychiatry 213: Drugging your happy herpes butt back to Woodstock.


We've all been right where you are. Trust me when I say that the next few days are going to determine your long-term handling and coping with this. Smile. You'll feel better instantly.


For me, I went, looked in the mirror, and had a chat with my new friend. I laid the ground rules down. It felt great and it knows I'm in charge. There's a lot to be said about the power of the mind and you can in fact use it to control your bodies functions. Things that stress you out can take over your life and your body and cause you to forget that. Take charge right now and don't let this nasty li'l bodyguest take over your life. Pretty soon you'll see just how much of a puny pink pimpled tiger he really is.

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I completely understand. We all do and you're not alone. However, you have to pull yourself out of that frame of mind. Want a big boost of confidence? 1 in 4 women, and 1 in 6 people in America have HSV2. Now, go out to a sporting event. Go to the mall. Go to work. Look around. 1 in every 6 people you see are dealing with this, too; and you can't tell which just by looking at them. What's more, 80% of the people who have this don't even know it yet. That thought helped me enormously.


It's a big adjustment to your life learning you have a lifelong virus inside it. While it's a virus that will change you, it's not a virus that will kill you. It can only kill your ego, your self-confidence, your personality, your friendships, your dreams, and your hopes if you let it. Don't let it.


The easiest way to do that? Read. Read everything you can about The H Man. He is your enemy right now, but the more you learn about him the less frightening he becomes. In time, knowledge will make you a lot more confident. That confidence will translate into a healthier body. And that healthier body will translate into one where the H Man chills out and leaves you alone most of the time.

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