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Possible herpes - Please help

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I'm freaking out a little and was wondering if anyone could help me out a bit. I noticed that I have about 10 - 15 bumps around my groin area and I'm very nervous it could be herpes. I've setup a doctors appoint for next week although and wanted to get the opinion from people familiar with herpes.


I don't have any symptoms. I feel fine, no itching, pain, or fever. Would you guys mind taking a look at the picture and letting me know what you think. Im I freaking out over nothing?


Well no one can know for sure, unless you go and get them swabbed. Or get your blood tested for the culture of Herpes.. HSV-1 or HSV-2...


i didn't get any symptons with mine, and all I had was a few bumps. Came back positive for HSV-2..


Don't be nervous. (( Even though I know that it is nerve wracking.)) But know that more people than you think have it.


We are not doctors here, so I would also suggest that you get to a clinic ASAP tho so you can get them swabbed because they may be gone by next week - Planned Parenthood or an STD clinic would be best. Family doctors are often behind the 8-ball when it comes to Herpes....


Good luck and let us know what they say :)

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