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Herpes outbreak!? Or not??

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Hey everyone! Been gone from the forum for awhile but I'm back. I have genital hsv1. I've been on suppressive therapy and its been great. Till last night. My outbreaks before aren't like this one. It's inside right above my clitoris. It's just a whitehead looking bump. I popped it and just a white harder substance came out. Sorry tmi. The bump doesn't itch and isn't soar at all. All my outbreaks before were outside on my labia or inner thigh and They were always soar and itchy. I'm just obsessing over it now. Since I popped it the redness has gone down. Anyone else have this problem?? I was really thinking the suppressive therapy was working for my reoccurring outbreaks. Could this just be a simple vaginal pimple?? Or a mild outbreak since I'm on suppressive therapy?? Help!


Thanks WCS. I'm going to just watch it for a couple of days. I don't want to put my Fiance at risk. It just doesn't seem like an outbreak. But we all know our little "buddies" can be tricky.


Did the pimple start singing showtunes when you popped it? How about James Brown's greatest hits? If it does that, start to worry.


Otherwise, it sure sounds like a simple pimple. Herpes blisters are filled with either a clear or murky fluid; sometimes, rarely, blood will be mixed in. You sure described a pimple, though.


Also, your outbreaks can move around for a while. It circulates through the nerves, so everywhere along that nerve system it can pop up. That includes your whole groin area.


But, again, you popped a pimple. Put some Clearisil on it, and I'll give you odds it goes away soon.


Haha Herry! You guys were right, it was just a pimple. So far so good on suppressive medicine. It's been only 3 months since I've had an outbreak and I'm keeping my fingers crosses I won't get another one any time soon. I'm getting married in June and that's my biggest fear. Waking up with an outbreak on my wedding day! Thanks for responding guys.


Weddings ARE tough to get through without letting the stress get to you. Just remember that no matter WHAT happens, the very most important thing is that moment when you exchange your vows. If the food is cold, you dress doesn't fit perfectly, or your Maid of Honor ditches at the last minute, life will go on. Remember that most of the glitches will be good fodder for stories later in life :)


And hit the Valtrex hard 2 weeks before ... just in case :)

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