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2nd herpes outbreak / suppressive therapy?

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Well, after being diagnosed with genital HSV1 on January 1st by a culture, I had a follow up with my doctor (and a blood test), and my boyfriend also got the blood test. His blood test came back positive HSV1 with like a 5 igg result and my results were 3.61. So the theory from my doctor is that most likely he has carried HSV1 orally for a while and not known he has it, and thinks that he just passed it to me as my symptoms were typical sounding of a first outbreak and she also said 3.61 was a low number that could indicate recent infection, although she said that's not 100%.


Now when I was at my appointment, she emphasized that HSV1 tends to be milder, less frequent recurrences and whatnot, but she also suggested that I take valtrex daily for a year as suppressive therapy. I finished off the 20 I had that they have me for the initial outbreak, but figured I would just see how my body handles it. Especially since HSV1 is supposed to be so infrequent in the genital region.


Well, here I am not even two months later, and I'm pretty sure I'm having a second outbreak...so what the fuck, HSV1?!?! It kept itching down there where the first outbreak started off for the past few days it I could t see or feel anything...but today there is definitely a bump! I has the valtrex refill on hand so I took one right away hoping that cuts it short, but I wasn't expecting to have one so soon...what's the likelihood that they read all these results wrong and it's HSV2?? lol. Furthermore, I have NO idea what "triggered" it, none at all. I've barely even thought about it since the first one went away, and I've actually been much better health wise since this happened than I have in the last 5 years. This is really frustrating!


So I guess I'm wondering...should I just do the year of suppressive therapy like my doctor had suggested? Is there any long term benefit to that or will it make me rely on the medication to keep it under control? I guess that's my main thing- I don't want to be dependent on it I guess, if that's even possible. Has anyone ever taken it for a year? What happens when the year is up? Is it less likely to come back or does it pop up right away again?


I know it's only one stupid bump, but all I wanna do is sit here and cry all over again. And I don't know why...I've accepted it and done the research. But now it's like it's just NOT okay again, and it's also like...well, wtf am I doing wrong that it's back so soon? Ugh.

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Take a deep breath my friend. Your Dr said you would have milder and less frequent OB's ... however, you are in your first year or so ... your body needs to build up the immunity to the virus and that takes time. Look at each OB in the first year as your body doing it's job...it takes longer for some people than it does for others but that is a good rule of thumb.


Regarding the acyclovir - that is a choice you have to make, depending on how bad the OB's are and your personal tolerance. I for one believe in allowing the body to do it's job when you can... but I also know some people don't have a tolerance for pain or they get anxious more easily. I personally only take the anti virals for the first few days of an OB to kick it down...but I've had it 35 years and my body usually actually knocks it down on it's own very quickly nowadays.


Best advice I can give you is to be patient. Let your body do what it needs to do. But if you find that you are freaking out about it, then go on the meds for the year and then see how your body is doing when you come off them. Only YOU can decide what is best for you in this situation :)



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I guess I got kinda worked up just because the whole "oh, it's HSV1 so it's "better"' thing is how I guess I've dealt with it in my head to make it seem not so bad, and it's been reiterated in what I've read, what the doctor said, and just from other people's experiences I've heard about. And then with me, it pops up again right away. ugh.


I know a few people in real life with HSV2, and they seem to have frequent outbreaks in the first year, but the ONLY one person I know with HSV1 (genital), didn't have a second outbreak for like 7 months. NOT FAIR. lol. :P


In reality though, this second outbreak is NOTHING like the first one at all...way milder symptom-wise all around. And looking back on it, I was having the prodrome symptoms all week; just didn't recognize that's what it was...it was kinda odd the way it came about. But had I known that's what it was, I probably could've taken the valtrex sooner.


I think I'm just gonna take the valtrex as needed still, and see how my body adjusts in this first year. If it does start to get too regular for me (as in every two months probably), I figure I might as well start taking it daily to suppress it, and see what happens next year.


My skin always gets really touchy when there's an issue though and ends up calming down to practically non-existent with other conditions I've had arise...so hopefully, this works out the same way.


Thanks though, appreciate the insight! I'm just not a very patient person, and this hit me left field...AGAIN. :)

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I'm four months in and outbreak free. Only have had the initial outbreak. I also take valtrex daily though so that could be the reason I haven't broken out again. Needless to say, as high strung as I am, I felt like suppressive therapy was a good idea for me. It's all personal opinion. I knew from research before my follow up visit that the first year is the worst, so I chose to do suppressive therapy as I don't want to break out ever freaking again and I'll do what I can to help my body fight it. It's up to you. I have some side effects from taking valtrex daily, mostly thirsty all the time, tired as in I could sleep all day (but this could be depression) and then I've noticed I get nauseous sometimes really easy.

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