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I just found out I have genital hsv1

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Hi, I just found out I have HSV1 in my genital area. I need help on a question. My partner has cold sores and always had them for the 20 plus years we have been together. We have not had sex in the last 15 years. We broke up for 6 months and I had one sexual experience with someone that has cold sores and they gave me oral sex.

Now I have it down there. Could I have gotten it from my partner even though we had no sex for years or should I assume I have gotten it from the one encounter I had while we were broken up? We r back together now and I am just devastated because I never cheated on her while we were together. Could I have gotten it from my partners cold sores in the past and infected myself down there?

Any advice or answers would be so appreciated. I am so scared. I have painful bumps and lesions down there and now it just hurts and burns and itches and my skin from the waist down to my thighs hurt to the touch and have very bad pelvic pain also.

I am on day 19 of this misery.

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I don't have the answers for gave it to you and since both are aware they have it and should exercise precation when with someone i would try to not focus to much of your energy on. who the giver was. I have genital hsv and can assure you it does get better physically. My first outbreak while ibremember it lasting way over a week and being the most painful, my other 3 have not been that bad. However if its really painful because hsv affects everyone differently you may want to go in and demand they prescribe you valtrex or generics to help.

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First, Welcome! You have found a great place for information and support :)


So, really, there's no way of knowing who you got if from if they both have HSV1. And really, at this point, it doesn't matter. Whoever the giver was likely didn't know that they could give it to you genitally through oral sex. And given that your partner has cold sores, you don't have to worry about giving it to her because she already has the antibodies to it so it's very unlikely she will get it from you.


Check out the FAQ section in the discussion topics (at the top) and you will see a lot of discussions about how to relieve the symptoms... and feel free to ask anything that comes to mind that you need clarification for.


(((HUGS))) - you will be fine. You just joined over 25 million people in the US that have Herpes, and a whole bunch of us are on here...You are FAR from alone :)

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Thank you so much for your kind comments. It helps knowing I am not alone with this. It is so scary and having a hard time dealing with it. I went to a clinic and the practitioner nurse was so nice to me. She to a look and said that is looked like the big "h" bit she wanted to run blood test and a culture. The blood test came back negative but I am sure that is due to not having the antibodies built up yet and showing. The culture she had to redo so I am waiting on the results from that which will be ready next Thursday. I am sure I have it because all the symptoms are there. I am on day 19 now with the pain. The blisters have gone away but still have really bad burning and itching and my skin hurts around my waist and hip areas along with pelvic pain that makes it uncomfortable to sit. The. It's also said I had a bacterial vaginitis and yeast infection.

I have never in 45 years had anything wrong down there so this is so scary and makes me feel so dirty all the time. I am praying it will get better. Glad I found this site.

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