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dental dams to protect from passing herpes?

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I have HSV1 on my vagina and it has been about a year now. I have two questions: has anyone in my similar situation decided they should use dental dams as well as condoms when having sex and oral sex? how common is it to transfer to someone's mouth? Any my second question: Has anyone who has had HSV ever not had a full outbreak but their clitoris is ezra sensitive and a little painful and stings? I can't tell if it is an outbreak or just a temporary abnormality. This has happened twice and it goes away. There are no signs of sores elsewhere, just a sensitive clitoris.

Thank you so much everyone!

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Hi Emma13!


I've never used dental dams so I can't speak there...


But the stats for HSV1 shedding in the genital region are much lower than for HSV1 oral and HSV2 genital because it's not in it's "normal" home. The Handouts have all the stats and I'd suggest you print it out to refer to...for yourself AND for when you are ready to disclose. Get really, REALLY familiar with the facts and stats ... it will help to empower you when the time comes to have the talk :)


So these are the stats directly from the handouts:




Here are the %s of the time herpes

silently sheds the virus based on

the HSV type and location (not to be

confused with transmission rates).


HSV-2 genital 15-30%

HSV-1 genital 3-5%

HSV-1 oral 9-18%

HSV-2 oral 1%


Shedding occurs more

frequently during the first

6-12 months of having herpes

than it does subsequently due

to building antibodies


You can see you will shed less thus the risk of transmission in general is lower... if you add anti-virals/condoms each will lower the risk by about 50%. And I hate to say it but I don't know of any stats about transferring HSV1 from the genitals to the mouth :/


Given how common it is tho, I'd have your partner get tested unless they know they have had cold sores...odds are they have the virus already in which case it doesn't matter...they have the antibodies so you would be safe to play away... tho I would still avoid sex during an OB as that OB's are shedding on steroids...just to be safe regarding passing it to them genitally.


The sensitivity could be the herpes and it could be a mild fungal/bacterial issue. Best to talk to your Dr about that... ;)

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