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Herpes disclosure time!

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I am preparing to disclose to a man I am madly in love with. It's my first real disclosure and I'm a little nervous. I have read so many successful disclosure stories but am still a bundle of nerves. We have a long distance relationship and will not be physical for several weeks but telling him now seems the best option. Any suggestions?


Hi Greeneyes!


I would suggest using Skype for one - at least then you have a real face to face - they can see your honesty in your eyes and you can see their reaction and not try to second guess what the silence or sounds "mean". Also, you can send him the HOpp links for the handouts and such as well as the discussion board if he wants more info (send him to the "New partner/loved one section") and any CDC or other links that may help him to understand the facts.


Otherwise, just be honest, be genuine, and be yourself. Let him know you have his interests at heart first and foremost.


And I will be honest ... the long distance thing can go either way ...because you can't REALLY get to know someone till you see how they are with the waiter, their friends and yours, and whether they leave their underwear on the ground every night and leave all the dishes in the sink.... so how they will react to H is a total crap shoot. However, if they give you the benefit of the doubt (knowing they don't know YOU that well either) and they still want to go forward, you have a potential winner ... because that shows they have compassion, empathy, and don't run at the slightest hint of something going awry ;)




Thank you for your response. We have known each other for a long time. I moved away years ago and we reconnected. So the good news is he does know me very well. That may help. :)

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