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Do you think my partner has herpes too?

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I am not in a relationship but I currently only have one partner(he has others) we never sexually active together for over 3 years now. We always have unprotected sex. About 7 months ago (October) I had sex while, I had some red itchy bumps. They didn't look like a sore and lasted less than a week so I just thought it was from shaving. I have continued to have unprotected sex with him after that. I didn't think about them much more about the bumps until now. Just two weeks ago I got the same types bumps but worse so I then decide to go to the doctor that’s when I tested positive for type 1 on my genitals. So I believe that mostly likely an outbreak I had in October. What is the chance of my partner having herpes considering I think I had sex with him during an outbreak and we been having unprotected sex for awhile together?

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Hi! I'm really not sure what the chances are of passing it :/ My doctor told me it's literally like rolling a dice, but of course more likely when you are actually having an outbreak or having unprotected sex. But I honestly couldn't tell you for sure. But based on how long you've been having sex with him it is probably likely he has it. But you never know until you find out for sure. As far as I know I've never had an outbreak but I just found out today I have it :/

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Hello and welcome!


Given you have HSV1, there's a good chance you got it from Oral sex with him... the H1 virus shed a lot more when its on the mouth (ie. cold sores) and given that 80% of the population has it, the odds are high that he has it. But unless you get him tested (and he has to ask specifically for it) many places won't include it in an STD panel :(


But honey, really... do you like playing Russian Roulette? If you are having unprotected sex with someone who has several other partners, you have a bullet in more than one chamber. Please. Use a condom whatever his status ends up being. There are far worse things than Herpes out there and you REALLY don't want to get them :/




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