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OK met a guy and he knew I had herpes...better quality dating? Worried?

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I have been completely honest about herpes in my profile and was talking to a man that was interested in my life beyond the herpes. I was impressed and we have talked since I first posted on here, been about 2 weeks since I found out. I was talking to him before I found out too told him right away...should I worry now why someone wouldn't care if I had herpes when I talk to them? I not one to judge and if someone told me up front I would be impressed. We met and he even kissed me and we spent the night together but just slept. It felt nice to be held and not a sex object. I'm just a worrying person so I worry about worrying!

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Stop worrying. I agree with Willow and think you should see where it leads. Who knows? Maybe this is the fish in the sea you've been waiting to hook?


Look, as we get older we accumulate "skeletons" in our closets. Old relationships, health conditions, likes/dislikes, experiences, the list goes on and on. Get to know this guy. Let him get to know you. Don't let a skin condition scare you. Now, if he breaks out crackers in bed or reaches for the remote before the 3rd date, well, those are dealbreakers.

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should I worry now why someone wouldn't care if I had herpes when I talk to them?


Perhaps he knows someone who has it...or dated someone already who has it. As @willow said... take it all in!!! Just make sure that if it progresses to the point of sex that you give him all the information so he can go into that part properly educated about the risk factors, that's all ;)


As Herry said - take it slow, get to know HIM.... Herpes is being your Wing-man right now ... let it help you to see if this man is someone you really want in your life :)

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