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I'm scared :( just met a wonderful guy

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I have just experienced the most unique and romantic experience of my life...

About 4 weeks ago I was out with friends at a bar and met a guy, we clicked talked for a while...but at some point didn't get to say bye and exchange numbers...I knew his name, university, career etc still couldn't find him in fb.

Anyhow, 3 days later I got an email from my uni saying that a guy named jacob messaged them with the hopes of getting my contact details because he had supposedly given me his phone and forgot to ask for it back...it was an excuse lol

He only knew my name, degree, university and home country that's it lol

Anyway I'm going on our fist date today :) I'm happy, but I keep thinking I have herpes I have herpes and he looks healthy.

I want to tell but at the same time I don't..


Just wondering if I go on the suppressive therapy for a few years and then I stop...will my obs diminish or come back every month just like before the therapy?

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Congratulations! That sounds rather interesting. Good luck and hope you have a wonderful date.


So what if you have herpes? Maybe he does, too? Maybe he won't care? Maybe he'll fall madly in love with you and this is the romance of your dreams? Only one way to find out, right?


As far as suppressive therapy goes, well, it's a crap shoot. Depends on your body, how well your immune system is keeping it in check, and a lot of other factors. If I remember, you have HSV1, so I'd say your body should get that in check rather easily with a little time and your OB's should clear up and pretty much go away.

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Hi Strawberry,



i am happy that you meet that guy today, i hope it work well.


But you said he look so heathty.Sorry but every peron think that i am so healthy .

I do a lot of sport and people always think I am in a good shape but what people see its not always the trueth

.Maybe the guy have Herpes Too . You cant see what People have.The outside dont show any illness.Anyway i hope that you diclose sucessfully and that the guy see your true inside........thats whats most important.

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I'm happy, but I keep thinking I have herpes I have herpes and he looks healthy.


Honey - you are soooo over thinking this ... really. You should know you can't "tell" if someone has Herpes by looking at them...as well as many other conditions and syndromes.


So - use your Herpes as your Wingman ... it can help you slow down and really get to KNOW the person before you disclose and have sex.




Just enjoy getting to know him ... trust the process and believe that things will work out exactly as they are meant to ... he is coming into your life for a reason - perhaps to be your soul mate, maybe to bring you a lesson? You won't know until you get to know him. Enjoy the process, and if/when the time comes you can go on the meds for as long as the pair of you feel is right for you both :)



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