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and so the new door opens

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I recently got informed that I have this lifelong baggage.

I've had all day to ponder.

I'm quite disheveled.

The disheartening quality of the news prevents me from enjoying my day.

I'm dreading the days ahead.

And so immediately after work I went and ate my sorrow away.

I had 3 sushi rolls and some sashimi at this sushi place.

I still feel like shit about the news but damn that was some good sushi.


Anyway... Im posting this as a smoke signal for anyone out there who would be willing to give

Me some kind uplifting words.


I'm not alone. That's one of the major comforts I have.

We are not alone. We are still awesome. I suppose we can't let a little viral nuisance get in the way

Of us living life to the fullest.

If you're reading this and happen to be in the same boat...

I say grab life by the horns and ride it hard and make it your beeeatch..


Just make sure you wrap up ;)

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Hey Prometheus,


Sounds like you got your heart a little close to the fire and got it singed a bit. Been there. It burns.


You are far from alone. There are close to 560 million of us worldwide. That's a lot of people; that's almost twice the US population. We're totally awesome. Well, most of us. Bob from accounting is kind of an asshole, but, can't win them all, right?


Try not to chew on it all at once. It's a big change to your life, and it's hard to make that adjustment once you get the official word. My advice? Continue spoiling yourself. If all that means is an extra sushi roll here and there, go ahead and let yourself enjoy life and things you enjoy getting from life.


Now, that's going to include love. Love for yourself comes first and foremost. If you love yourself, others will fall in love with you. It's a hard thing to do, especially when you're feeling less than perfect...but you know what? Perfection is a myth, and this li'l skin condition is minor in the great grand scheme of things.


Keep smiling. Keep your head up. Keep your willy wrapped up, and above all, clean the fridge 'cause nothing stinks worse than sushi that you've forgotten you left in there.

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First - Welcome!!!!


Yeah - getting the news isn't the best day in your life, but believe me, there are FAR worse things that we will all live through. I've had H1Oral since I was 3, H2G since I was 17. I am 52 now and life is great ... and H has only caused me a few speed bumps along the way and maybe a detour or two. I'm grateful that this is the worst health issue I have to deal with. I've almost died from an ectopic pregnancy and believe me, that puts this little virus into perspective. You can learn from it or blame everything that goes wrong in your life on it. It's your CHOICE. I strongly suggest the former .... life is a lot more fun that way ;)



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Pretty sure that has been the most poetic way of informing someone on what you ate for dinner!

I hear sadness in your words, but i see a new beggining for you!

Keep up your possitivity! And try not to ponder too hard, itll drive ya nuts!

Weve all had happier moments, sure, but if we saty by eachothers sides...



and inform...

then hell! H aint no biggy!

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