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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

how do I feel beautiful again ?

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I am COMPLETELY blown away with how supportive and loving people are here! I just found out on Monday and i've been having a terrible time coming to terms and accepting that I will find people who will accept me and be willing to take the risk to be with me. I was alone when I received the news and felt like my heart was going to drop to the floor and explode. My life felt over. My love life gone and sex? well, sex was certainly out of the picture now right? I told my partner who I got it from and then my father who is my best friend and works as an OBGYN.


I was terrified to tell my father but knew he would be able to offer additional professional insight. I told him and then he paused for 10 seconds...10 agonizing seconds. Then, he laughed! HE LAUGHED! Through tears I asked what the fuck was wrong with him. He replied that he thought I was going to tell him I had AIDS or something "serious." He went on to say that half the people that go into his office have it! He said you take a pill during out breaks and for suppressive therapy and practice safe sex to try to reduce the chances of passing it on. He further went on to say that he isn't sure how he got through his youth without getting it! And that i'm going to be just fine, to breath and that I have nothing to worry about. Of course hearing it is easier than believing it but with time I think it'll get easier.


The TEDx video helped so much- thank you for posting it! @Deceivedanddealing you are incredible! I never thought to actually make a list of positives that could come from this "tragedy" but you know what? You're right. There is always a silver lining and maybe...just maybe...this will actually help me in the long run? Maybe i'm stretching but...there is a chance! I'm trying to stay optimistic at least.

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Uh, why do you this this site is called the "Herpes Opportunity"...lol :)


How lucky that your father is an OBGYN. Maybe you could print out the Diagnosis and Disclosure handouts for him to hand out to newly diagnosed clients.... you trust him and his word but for most newly diagnosed clients they need something else to help them and it would lead them here too ;)


Glad you are starting to see the "bright side" of our H friend!

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