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Ever notice that ex's are a lot like herpes?

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Have you ever noticed that ex's are a lot like herpes? You never know when they're gonna show up. You never know how long they're gonna stick around. They're a real pain in the ass when they arrive and you just might have to bite your lip a few times. Most people medicate themselves until they're gone. And, once they disappear, a sense of relief washes over you that feels unlike anything you've ever felt before. Last, but not least, you'll cautiously await the moment they're going to pop back up which you hope won't be for a very, very long time.


That's how I feel today. It's a long, long story, and I'll get around to telling it one of these days, but for now, suffice it to say that it took me 17 years, but after getting the few final pieces of the puzzle organized these past few months of communicating with her, everything finally fits together inside the book, I know how the story ends, and I can at last close that chapter of my life once and for all. It feels absolutely liberating.

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