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Trying to feel "normal"

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Hi I'm new here but have already found a lot of support from just reading the posts.


I am awaiting results but am 100% that it is herpes.

I know life will go on and it isn't the end of the world and it could be much worse. I guess like anything this change is going to take some time to adjust to and at times I find it hard not to push that small voice out that is being negative.


For the first couple of days I hid and couldn't face the world, then I knew life had to go on and it was up to me how I was going to deal with and approach that.

As much as I know that it's not the case I feel as though I'm walking around with a huge sign on my forehead. When I've been trying to get back to the normal day to day and actually let myself do that I forget I have herpes then right when I'm laughing again or having fun this voice says "you shouldn't be having fun or laughing, you have herpes".


I guess it's the stigma that surrounds it that's causing that voice, I am trying to not let it effect my personality in a bad way because I know I have herpes not that I am herpes but this is easier said than done right now.


I guess I do know the answer to this question but would just like to hear from some people with experience on this and have some one to talk to.


This gets easier??


***sorry about the big post- been preparing it in my head for days and finally got the balls to get it out :)

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You're going through what we've all gone through at some point.


You say herpes is nothing to laugh about and I disagree. Personally, I think it's the biggest joke ever played. It's a skin condition that's made out to be as serious as leprosy by the stigma, and well, that's just not the case.


Let it affect your personality; but in a good way. Let it show you the beauty and humor in life, allow it to make you more compassionate, caring, and open with the world around you. It will do that if you let it.


In the meantime, keep smiling and keep laughing.

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As much as I know that it's not the case I feel as though I'm walking around with a huge sign on my forehead.


So try this on. Next time you go out, look around. Get in a big group of people... then try to figure out which one in five has H2, and which 4 out of 5 have oral herpes. Besides the ones with obvious coldsores, you won't be able to tell ... AND you can make note that none of them have a big red H on their foreheads either. They will be going about their lives ...and H isn't stopping them from doing anything ;)


Yes, the stigma causes alot of angst ... but it's only because you are buying into it. When you really get that, it will help you to move beyond it :)



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