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Is HSV-2 related to cervical cancer.

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I'm reading on all these sites that HSV-2 with HPV increases your risk of cervical cancer. Although I had a normal pap smear done in January I'm still worried that because about 80% of the population gets HPV in their life time but are able to fight it off. Is it possible to fight off HPV when you have HSV-2 or are you going to get cancer.

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What sites are you finding that on? Just remember, just because it's on the internet, doesn't mean it's true. I have yet to see conclusive evidence of any link between HSV2, HPV, and cancer. Now, I did find a great way to save a bunch of money on my car insurance, but I have a thing about trusting lizards with my wallet.


There are dozens of HPV strains; only a handful pose any real risk of causing cervical cancer or other affliction. And, yes, most people do acquire HPV at some point, and most people clear it within a few years.


Is it possible to fight off HPV with HSV2? Absolutely. Having HSV2 will not diminish your immune system or make you more suseptible to HPV.

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Don't know where you are getting your info chica...but perhaps the CDC website might be a better option in future :p


There are roughly 40 strains of HPV that affect the genitals (Yes, 40 ...plus or minus a few). About 2 cause genital warts, about 4-6 *can* cause cancer, and the rest give you a good scare and may cause weird stuff on your cervix for awhile before they go dormant and leave you alone.


If you get a regular pap smear, cervical cancer isn't a problem ... about 2/3 of irregular Pap smears will clear up on their own (because the majority won't cause cancer) and even the cancerous ones take at least 5 years to go from irregular cells to cancer...and once discovered they will freeze them off and you are good to go. So even with the cancer risk, it's a VERY easy to control cancer if you are getting regular Pap smears .... so whatever happens, don't panic if you get it...just keep on top of your checkups :)


Now, you *can* obtain HPV AND HIV easier once you have HSV simply because you can get lesions from the HSV which allows the other viruses to get in easier. But if you keep from having sex when you may have an OB you should be fine.

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