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Couple of questions about Valtrex and length of outbreaks

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Hey folks. For anyone out there who had an allergic reaction to Valtrex - have you ever tried again or tried any other meds? I take L-Lysine and use a topical antiseptic but have not retried the suppressant meds.


Also - how long should an outbreak generally last? I had the typical groin/lymph node pain on Wed. afternoon and by the time I got home, found a sore. A few weeks ago I noticed what looked like a sore but then it was gone the next day. This one seems more persistent. I have a date Sunday! :) I am in my first post-diagnosis relationship and have fully disclosed everything to him. We've been super careful but I feel like I need to tell him the downstairs is off limits this weekend. Ugh.

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I suggest to people who have side effects to try cutting them in half, or switch to acyclovir ... start with a really low/half dose and see if that helps. Sometimes the body needs to adjust to a medication over time... increase the dose every few weeks if you are ok at the current dose.


How long will OB's last? There's no definite time - some clear up in 5-7 days and some take weeks to get over it. Work on your diet, stress levels, and a low dose of the anti-virals and hopefully it should settle down quickly.


One of the "good" things about H is actually that it slows down how fast you get intimate in a new relationship so that you get to know each other better... once we get sexual all those wonderful hormones start to get to work and cause us to stay in the relationship when normally we would walk. And you can find plenty of other ways to be intimate ;)



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