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Why doesn't the CDC recommend herpes testing of sexually active people?

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I'm very frustrated that HSV1 and HSV2 isn't included in the standard panel of STDs. I was tested for 5 years for STDs at my annual exam and my gynecologist never even brought it up. Then I got herpes 2 years ago, which I thought at first was a urinary tract infection. The swab turned out positive but the IgG blood tests were negative for HSV1 and HSV2 because it was a recent infection.


I had the IgG blood tests done a couple of months ago. At first my doctor asked why because it'll still show up positive for HSV2. I just told her I wanted written results so I could show this guy I dated when I disclosed to him. I was negative for everything except HSV2. I asked her why herpes isn't included in routine testing and she said because a lot of people already have HSV1. I don't really think this a good reason to not test.


I think the stigma would greatly reduce if all sexually active people were tested for herpes. Most people assume they are clean if they don't have symptoms and a lot of them would be very surprised. Is there anything we can do to bring more awareness to the CDC, our physicians and everyone about HSV1 and HSV2?

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I asked her why herpes isn't included in routine testing and she said because a lot of people already have HSV1.


I agree.... doctors don't get it that if you disclose to someone and you have H2 and they have H1 you STILL can cross-transmit ... SMH


And I agree, I believe that testing would help us to bring awareness. But the CDC feels that the 3% who are False Positives would go through too much "mental anguish" and because it's not life threatening, they would rather people just not worry about it unless they get it. Complete and utter B.S. IMO but that's the bottom line.


What can we do? Well, we have a To-Do list here that is a mile long and changing the CDC protocols and Dr awareness and training is right in there.


Depending on how comfortable you are with bring "out", there are a number of things you can do.


1) Print out the Handouts on here and take them to your Dr, Planned Parenthood, and any STD clinics and ask them to give them to their patients, esp the newly diagnosed. You may have to check in with them and voluntarily print the handouts out of your pocket but you could look at it as a Public Service.






2) Educate as many of your friends as you can. I talk to my friends all the time. I have my status including basic H-facts on all my dating profiles (and I get a number of guys just asking for more info....as well as plenty who are H- and interested in meeting me because they appreciate my integrity). Volunteer to talk at a Sex Ed class as a H+ person in your local schools. Ask to sit down and talk with the Dr's and staff at your Dr's office/clinic for 10 minutes and then give them the handouts and tell them about "our perspective" about testing and knowing which H you have.


3) I don't think a day goes by where I don't have a conversation with at least one person about H ... most of whom don't know much about the subject and most of whom really appreciate the info. So, if you are comfortable with being "out", talk to one person a day.


We’ve allowed others to create an unjust world for us…one where their ignorance is dictating how we should feel about ourselves. ... as Brene Brown says,


If you put shame in a petri dish it needs 3 things to grow exponentially - secrecy, silence, and judgement. If you put the same amount of shame into a petri dish and douse it with empathy, it can't survive.


The more of us who stand up, speak out, and educate, the faster we can make a change in the way H is perceived and understood in both the medical and public sectors.



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