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Health Concerns/Cures/Natural Home Remedies- Questions on keeping my body healthy and preventing OB

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My first question is- Is there any research on cures for this? Will there ever be a cure or are they close to finding a cure for H?


I've done all I can to prevent an outbreak from happening again. When I got my first outbreak I took soothing baths, took the meds, and stayed hydrated. Afterwards I still drank a lot of water to flush anything out of my system, took Lysine supplements, drank detox tea. I just want to do all I can do to keep my body fighting this and also know what I can do to tame OB's or make them happen less often. Are there any home remedies?


I have so many health concerns, and I've felt so down bc I'm so afraid of any germs and I just done feel like I can do anything normal.


I'm a girly-girl and I love to tan, I also love the beach. But I've heard the sun can cause outbreaks? Is this true for HSV1 or only HSV2 or is it only a myth? I just haven't been able to tan or go to the beach. I'm also always on top of my shaving and waxing and I feel even less sexy and more disgusting since I haven't been able to shave, am I able to? Or do I just wax? Or can I not keep it clean down there?


I'm also extremely into fitness. But I've been afraid to workout lately, I don't know if it can trigger an outbreak. How do I maintain everything and keep active?


Another thing is laundry. Since I've found out I've had this I only wear shorts once before washing them, I don't know if my underwear need to be sanitized or I should reserve certain panties for "herpes" and certain ones for "non herpes". I've been washing all my boyfriends sheets, washing my towels after only using them once...Maybe that sounds silly but I'm just really concerned and want to keep clean.


Any advice would be amazing, I'm having a lot of trouble knowing what to do here and the impact H will have on my life.


My first question is- Is there any research on cures for this? Will there ever be a cure or are they close to finding a cure for H?


Yes - there are tons of conversations on here about this (use the search button to find them) - but my advice is to not get too attached to worrying/thinking about it. I've been seeing the promise of a "cure" or vaccine since I got it in the late 70's (HIV took all the research funds for the last 20+ years) and I've figured that if/when the time comes, I *may* do it, depending on what exactly the outcome may be. Til then I'm living my life full out ;)


I'm a girly-girl and I love to tan, I also love the beach. But I've heard the sun can cause outbreaks?


First, everyone's triggers are different and they can change over time. I went through a spell where chocolate and nuts combined would cause an OB ... now I eat both in abundance and not one little tingle ;) . The sun is usually more of a problem for oral H tho is you get your OB's where the sun shines (or you tan nude) it *may* cause an issue. You won't know till you try ....


I'm also always on top of my shaving and waxing and I feel even less sexy and more disgusting since I haven't been able to shave, am I able to? Or do I just wax? Or can I not keep it clean down there?


Again, plenty of discussion on here already ;) The FAQ section is a wealth of info on this kind of thing. And again, each person finds what works for them - some prefer shaving, some wax. It was just discussed in the last day or so again right here:




I'm also extremely into fitness. But I've been afraid to workout lately, I don't know if it can trigger an outbreak. How do I maintain everything and keep active?


Sorry, but same answer ... a lot will depend on your body and such. Yes, it *can* trigger an OB... and some find it's a problem for the first few months when everything seems to aggravate it, but over time you should be fine.


I don't know if my underwear need to be sanitized or I should reserve certain panties for "herpes" and certain ones for "non herpes". I've been washing all my boyfriends sheets, washing my towels after only using them once...Maybe that sounds silly but I'm just really concerned and want to keep clean.


You can chill out on the laundry. Herpes is actually pretty fragile once outside the body. You can read more about it on my blog here:




I really can't stress enough that you can learn a whole lot by just cruising around here and reading all you can. This place is a wealth of information between this forum (use the search button to look for a specific issue) and Adrials' blogs, and I just started my blog as well, so you may want to subscribe to that for updates when I add another entry.




4 quick suggestions:


Go Commando as much as possible - getting air to the area can help to dry it out more quickly


Reduce stress as much as possible - Herpes feeds off stress!!! It can become a good barometer for you that your body needs attention in some form or other


Look up Trigger Foods/triggers on here in the FAQ and search bar - lots of topics on them ... the main foods are chocolate and nuts but you want to learn about the Lysine/Argenine balance that can help keep Herpes under control


Epsom Salts baths can do wonders for some. Sit in the bath and dump a few handfuls of the salts right between your legs. Relax and let the salts do their thing then get out and dry off, finishing with a blow drier set on low heat to really get the area dry.


These 4 things seem to do the most help for the most people. Aloe Vera CREAM (make sure ALOE is one of the first ingredients and there isn't a bunch of other crap like petroleum and if it has glycerine, it's AFTER the Aloe in the ingredients .. go to a Health food store for your best chance of getting a good product) or Zinc cream may help during the day to keep it from sticking and help relieve the pain ..


These will get you started




http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/1624/herpes-medication-genital-hsv-1-how-to-keep-herpes-outbreaks-clean-dry#Item_22 My discussion amonium Alum)






ive known about mine for 3 months but im guessing ive had it for quite a bit longer. i wax an shave all the time but not during an outbreak ( i dont think its ever caused one either) for the sun....well i work outside plus tan in a bikini an i feel like it 'might of triggered' an OB. but maybe not. could it of been the sun or sweating? im not sure. so id maybe limit my sun exposure. my mom has H1 on her lips an the sun VERY MUCH triggers OBs in her. so could be my genetics? sorry if that doesnt help you.

when i found out i would take Lysine whenever i felt slightly off maybe one a week or once every 2 weeks but after 3 months i got another OB so now im going to take one every day to see if that prevents them better. i have a super strong defense system i think cuz my OBs are only ever one blister an clear up within 4 days just from taking 3 lysine an putting tea tree oil on the blister after i shower ( i shower twice a day)

hope this gives you a little more feedback

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