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It's been almost 5 months...

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It's been almost 5 months since I was given the herpes. If someone would have told me back then that my life would be so much better now I would have laughed... or punched them depending upon who it was.


I've gotten better at taking care of my body! Down 17 pounds, ran a half marathon (well, walk/jog/run.. whatever). I've made pretty excellent progress with my job. And I sort of "met" someone... I've known him since high school (I have no idea why I keep going back to people from HS.... ) and now the task of telling him is becoming real. We aren't close to anything physical, it's strictly talking for now but I feel like I should get it done and over with and out of the way. I've pretty nervous because I've never even had to think about telling someone yet. Overall, I'm actually GLAD this all happened to me. I feel like my quality of life is so much more than it was almost 5 months ago.


No real purpose for this post. Just been a long time since I've been on HL and figured I would update. Have a great night!!

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