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Question about transmission I can't find the answer to!

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Hello and Welcome!


So, the answer is yes.


Yes, he has antibodies that will protect him




Yes, he *could* get it from you genitally.


However, given that he has the antibodies and H1 sheds a LOT less down south because it doesn't particularly like it there, your odds are reasonably slim (don't quote me but I'd guess in the 1-2% chance or less... as long as you don't have sex during an OB). If you take antivirals that would cut it even further ... or at least keep them on hand and any time you have any thought that you *may* have an OB coming on, take them immediately for a few days to knock it down as quickly as possible ;)



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To my knowledge there are not statistics on the actual transmission rates from HSV1 genital to oral (just shedding rates for HSV in the various areas). And you included the use of condoms which I had not added into the mix. So odds are yes, it's pretty darned low, but I don't know of any statistics for GHSV1 specifially.


If you only have HSV1 on your genitals you can't pass it to him to him through oral sex.. Herpes doesn't spread through the blood system to other parts of the body... it lives in the nerves in the area where you originally got it ;)

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It doesn't affect any part of my life but I've had it 35 yrs so my body has a pretty good handle on it unless I am under a lot of stress, and even then it's not bad. When I was in my 20's and 30's my periods and stress would make it much worse....


Lowering stress is the #1 way to help keep H under control. And time... as your body gets more antibodies it will fight it better. Keep the area dry (use blow drier after showers to make sure it's dry) and go commando when you can. I need to get home but I have posted all the "tips" on a number of posts here that you should be able to find without difficulty.



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