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Long lasting mild herpes outbreak... frustrated

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So just about 28 days ago (I remember this bc I was starting my new birth control pill pack) , I starting getting prodrome symptoms. Something didn't seem quite right down there. I had the tingling in my vagina and also was extremely tired. (Note: I am on suppressive therapy) this was Tuesday. Eventually on saturday I had a flesh colored bump that eventually got a white head and went down. It was there for quite awhile though, it was still tingling yesterday ...so I started to wonder what the heck is going on. Today the original bump is flat and now another bump right next to it.


I just put a compress of tea tree oil on it and then took a bath. It doesn't burn when I pee or wipe. Again, it is kind of mild (looking at it) but I FEEL IT!!!! You know when you just feel something is there and not right? ... and today at my first day of work ( I am a teacher) I felt very uncomfortable in the yoga pants I was wearing. Came home examined the area and that is when I discovered the other small bump next to the healed one. I even sent my friend who used to work at an ob/gyn a picture of it and she said it is nothing compared to the outbreaks she has seen. Even so, I am still scared and wondering why this is taking so long. I have been pretty good not getting outbreaks. (Had a 3 day episode last March, went away quick)


Has anyone else had prolonged mild symptoms? My bf is aware and we even had sex 2 weeks ago (with a condom) while I had the outbreak... so maybe that aggravated it? I don't know. I am just worried bc I can't get into the gyno till the 11th. But I am pretty sure it is herpes. I just don't remember it dragging out this long and becoming uncomfortable again after going away. Has anyone else experienced this.? Just wondering . A similar situation would ease my mind. I know H thrives on stress and I am stressing my self out big time over here bc it is taking so long.

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Hey Ladyf!


It might be herpes and it might not. I know that's not quite helpful, ;) but it's hard to know for sure without a proper swabbing. I'd suggest getting an appt at your local clinic to get it swabbed while it's still around. Even though you have a gyno appointment, you can still head over to whatever local government clinic is around you. If you let them know you're having a possible herpes outbreak and want to get it swabbed, they tend to be accommodating and get you in quick. That's going to be the only way you'll know for sure. For the first 6 months to a year, your immune system will be getting stronger and stronger against the herpes virus, so to answer your question, yes, prolonged mild symptoms are pretty common. And yes, it's annoying! Hang in there. Sounds like you got yourself a good guy who's supporting you through it. That's awesome.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks so much. I guess I am making myself more nervous . I already know I have herpes so if it isn't that what would it be ... I put tea tree oil on the new bump last night . I hope that it will work however I didn't dilute it and I'm pretty irritated in that area. Fml this sucks . Thank u for ur response :)

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