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Herpes in the cervix

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Hi all,

I am getting my WB on Monday but I been noticing some white discharges (excessive). My infectious disease doc think its yeast infection but I have no itch ... Just discomfort for 5 weeks now along with burning leg and Lowe back. So I been reading that herpes lesion can happen in the cervix since I have no lesions and sores on the exterior (checked by 6 doctors during the 5 weeks of visiting them total of 9 times).

Does anyone here ever had herpes in their cervix and does it cause white excessive discharge? I am going to another obgyn on Monday and asking for a silver smear (?) how does one know if the lesion is in the cervix and does it last for 5 weeks?


Thank u so much for ur help... I am so stressed and just been not able to function at my job or life in general. I have stop checking for lesions and sores for few days as it's not mentally healthy to a point of panic attack.


I know everyone said this is a none life threatening and should just suck it up but how i am reacting to this.... It feels like the end of what I ever known. What bothers me the most is the constant discomfort down there and leg burn/ back pain.... It's like even if I want to take a break... I can't bc it's there to remind me all the time :(.



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I don't have the virus on the cervix but it's entirely possible that the discharge is from that.


I have no idea what a "silver smear" is. They should be able to see any lesions if they are present ...


One of the worst things with H is that it's tricky so people often take awhile to figure out their OB's. where they are, what their symptoms are, etc. Be patient - hopefully you will get an answer on your next Appt. And BTW, always go to an OBGYN for this kind of thing ... regular GP's PCP's etc are horrendously out of date about H:(



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Thanks dancer:). I really appreciate ur humor and support. You are God sent:).

This will be the 3rd obgyn I am going to. The first one ( my very own) tested for everything on 7/18 and everything normal. She said I have yeast and gave me diflucan. Then I went to another obgyn bc my own wasn't available on 8/14 she took some culture and told me it didn't look like yeast so i am waiting for the result ... I don't know what she test for thou. So now learning that herpes lesion can grow in the cervix is so disturbing! How the heck ru suppose to know if u can't see outbreak ! I will update once I see the obgyn on Monday.... I been on one week of yeast pill but the discharge is still the same ... So highly doubt this is an yeast infection. God bless,s

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I hope so... But they said we will check for stds and others... I am an idiot so I didn't ask. When I pee it doesn't hurt... I got at least 3 pelvic exams ( one from my obgyn, one from ER, one from the obgyn I went to see on 8/14). All they say is, all looks normal. Thank The Lord I have insurance otherwise I would be broke with the recent amount of visits to the doctors! For Monday, I will be smart and ask to test for BV . Btw, do you know if they can see the cervix thru an visual exam or does it have to be cultured thru the discharge? This paranoia since the blood test has been so emotional to a point of breakdown than an outbreak. Who would of known 2 months ago I would be in this situation!? Praying for all and thx for hearing my frustration! I am humbled by this whole experience.

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Rule #1 of ANY testing - Get your lab results printed out and sent to you. You should always have your own copies in case you have to go elsewhere later...as well as to be able to ask about them and to make sure you know what you were tested for ;)


They can look at the cervix when they have the speculum in you ...


AND - whatever happens, Herpes isn't the end of the world. I get it that not knowing exactly where it is is frustrating, but at least you know you have it..... so you can use a condom and protect others ... and that's better than not knowing and passing it to someone you care about unwittingly ;)



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Hi Dancer, just want to give u an update ... So went to my new obgyn since the situation has bitten even more uncomfortable and diflucan wasn't working. So glad that I went....

She checked everything and no lesions or sores in my cervix! She took a culture of my discharge and for Pap smear and also to test for herpes ( but she said it would only be positive if I have an active outbreak which I don't but I still insisted). She diagnosed me with BV and also gave me another yeast cream as she thinks I think the rare yeast (4%) that doesn't respond to the pill. Also she gave me

Nystatin triamcinolone ointment - for the skin on the outside

Terconazole- for the yeast

So I pray that The Lord is working thru her so I can get some relief!

Also, I went it get my WB done at quest in NJ today. I hope they know exactly what to do as the lady looked somewhat confused at the request.

My culture on my discharge and Pap smear should be back in a week or two.

I hope to hear some good news as I continue to hope and pray!


Can someone tell me that the ointment is steroid ... Would that make me worse as at this point I don't know if I have hsv2 or not? No outbreak after 10 trip to the doctor in 5 weeks? Any advice... Please?

God bless, S

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OK...I had discharge swabbed for herpes..it came back negative even though I was having an active outbreak at the time (no sores, but I know it was my second outbreak). Herpes is really tricky with swabs unless htere is an active obvious outbreak with sores.


Seems like your symptoms are likely related to bv and yeast etc though.


You really just have to be patient....I went thru the same thing and it is frustrating and annoying but I can tell you are driving yourself crazy adn that's not helping you.


Go to the doctor when you feel you have symptoms adn get swabbed; otherwise wait for the blood test. If negative test again at 4 and 6 month mark.


Good luck

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Sounds like you may be finally getting a more accurate diagnosis.


If the cream is a steriod and you have H then yes, it might get worse. But sounds like your Dr is on the right track. I used to get horrid Yeast infections and BV (and in the 80's they had very limited options to clear them). I think my body eventually figured out how to fight it off because the meds would only half clear it much of the time.


BTW, if you have a sex partner THEY need to be treated for the yeast/BV at the same time or they will just pass it back to you :P


The hardest thing is not knowing ... but I think you will have an answer soon. Hopefully the meds will kick in ... For now, start taking a probiotic and get off sugar/refined starches as much as you can .... they will aggravate/feed the yeast if that is the problem. Often times yeast infections are a sign of imbalance in the "good" bacteria like the probiotics or the body isn't dealing well with the sugars you are consuming.





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Thanks dancer and white daisies!

I just treated my 2nd dose today on the antibiotic cream... I know it will take at least 48 hours to work so I need to be patient :). But maybe it's psychological but I think I feel 5-10% better today than the last 5 weeks... Maybe next week I won't have to visit a doc at all ( been to at least 1 or 2 doc a week since this started). I hope to feel normal down there again and not be so afraid to even touch it. It's getting to a point if I adjust my panty from the waist, I would run and wash my hands. I was a girl who runs Round in her undies at home before but now sweat pants bc I am so afraid that I might be having an out break and it would get on my legs or something.

So with that said..l I haven't had sex since 7/3 and stopped all activity until I know where I stand. I don't want to hurt anyone and certainly need sometime to deal with myself and what's happening down there! I hope that the mess will kick in soon and the steroid cream didn't do anything bad to me:) actually made the inflamed area a bit better but I am only applying once a day instead of 3 times.

Thank u guys so much for reading! It's been mentally exhausting and physically draining this 5 weeks. Right now it's all out of my control and need to trust God! I am so humble by this whole experience and so grateful for forum like this!

If I can ever repay this kindness please let me know bc these are the moments I will remember that u were so kind to a stranger like me:).

God bless u :).

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