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Question about first recurrent outbreak in several years

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I've had genital herpes for 13 years. I do not know whether it's HSV 1 or 2, as I was only diagnosed visually. I had a few outbreaks during the first few years, but then nothing (at least nothing that I noticed) for about 8 years until now. About a week and a half ago, after shaving "down there," I noticed what I thought was razor burn...really just itchy and irritated looking rather than blisters. As it started to spread and look more irritated rather than getting better, I realized it was most likely my first outbreak in 8 years. It was on my inner, upper left thigh only (directly adjacent to the genital region, but actually on the thigh). As much as it itched and I knew I shouldn't, I continued shaving over the region because the timing coincided with a week long beach vacation, where I planned on basically living in a swim suit. The original area on the left thigh still isn't improving, and as of a couple days ago, I've now noticed the same type of "irritation" in the same area but on the right thigh. Is that normal for a recurrent outbreak, especially when I almost never get outbreaks, to continue to spread/pop up in another region a week after it began? I thought a recurrent outbreak would be improving and not spreading by this point.

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Hello and Welcome!


First - I would say get a blood test - a visual diagnosis is NOT at all reliable. And it helps to know which one you have for any future relationships.


I don't know why you would be getting an OB now that seems to be spreading to new areas ... yes, the stress of the upcoming trip combined with the shaving likely made it even more irritated. Is it in the area where you first had it?


You may want to get a short script for the antivirals just to help get it back under control .... It's not unusual for the virus to go dormant for awhile and then pop up ... usually when you are under extra stress... it actually can help you learn when you need to slow down ... it's like a first responder to excess stress :p


Check these links out for more info:


Handouts + disclosure e-book:



Herpes facts video





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