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Hello all. I have been feeling kind of icky this week and after a hot bath felt an itch and am panicking that its another outbreak. I have had a fever and feel eexhausted (and I've done nothing to merit this level of exhaustion).I guess my question is two part. Is it okay for me to start acyclovir? And as I live longer with this, will I be able to understand and handle outbreaks easier? That sounds silly. But I'm not sure I have a handle on this yet ... any information is greatly appreciated. Hugs

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Hi granola. I've had HSV-2 for 6 years and it most certainly gets easier as time goes on. I get an outbreak once a year (if that) and they aren't really painful anymore. The first few kind of suck, so you're feeling not just the worst of the outbreaks, you're also dealing with the newness of this. Both get easier, I assure you. At some point you'll also know when they are coming beforehand - there's a tingle before an outbreak that I can easily identify now. As to what drugs to take when you get an outbreak, talk to your doctor of course. Famvir knocks my outbreaks out in like 24 hours, but each person is different. This will be a non-event for you at some point, you got this.

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Thank you so much unbroken for sharing that. I think it frustrates me the most as I am kind of waiting for the next one. Wow. Once a year. That is awesome! Good for you! I am going to doc's in the morning and will ask about the Famvir. Thanks again. Have a great day!

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Yes - take a pill today and one tomorrow - you want to get it within 72 hrs of the first symptoms ... it won't hurt to take it for a few days even if it's not H.


Famvir/acyclovir are basically the same thing btw - Valtrex is too but it's dosed so you only take 1/day instead of 2 or 3.


As with anything, time and experience will make it easier to deal with. Be patient with yourself.... you're still a "newbie" .... trust us it will get easier as you gain experience with it :)

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WCSDancer2010. You rock. Thank you as always ♡ I am home from doc's and started acyclovir for 10 days ... I am learning my triggers I guess. I only had a handful of cashews .. so I think it's more stress related. Maybe this is my body's way of saying slow down! And deal with emotions. .. either way, I'm learning. Again, I thank you. If I can help you, don't hesitate!

* Hugs *

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