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Wanting help until my Doctor's Appointment

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I realize the main thing I need to do is go to the doctor but I can't until next Friday so I was hoping some people on the forum might have some comments.


3-4 months ago I received unprotected oral sex from a woman. I've had a red rash on my penis ever since that kinda looks like some of the less intense herpes pics that I've seen online. I haven't had any blisters though, and the only pain I've had from the rash is a couple times when I masturbated (and I actually believe that was when I did it twice it one day). Besides that, the the rash is not painful at all. I'm pretty sure I have herpes based on the eye test but I'm holding out hope that I don't since this "primary outbreak" is so mild and is lasting months.


Again, I recognize that I just need to go see the doctor but any comments would be appreciated, definitely freaking out a bit here.



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Thanks for the comment whitedaisies. I didn't see anything that would have led me to believe that at the time. However, this is a person I really didn't know and have no way of contacting now, not exactly stellar behavior on my part I know.


It's nice to hear that you don't think it's herpes, but it looks so much like some of the pictures. I'll definitely make sure the doc does a swab.

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I know it's worry some but make sure he does a swab and blood tests ok?


Dot let him jut give u a visual diagnosis. That's not accurate.


No worries about stellar behaviour.....don't judge urself. U did what u wanted to do at the time.


If u are in the USA u can go to a planned parenthood u may be able to be seen quicker.


Good luck. Either way u will be ok



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Sounds like contact dermatitis or some other fungal issue... make sure to get a blood test as well - at 3 months it *may* be long enough for a H+ if that is what you have ...tho 4-6 months is better.


Stress is the #1 cause of prolonged/multiple OB's . Tight clothing, diet, and immune function will affect you a lot too.


Get that test done - try not to worry in the meantime ... and come back here if you get a definite diagnosis or if you need more info.



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The "eye test" is only accurate about 80% of the time when it's a DOCTOR, meaning for people like us who aren't, the error rate is really, really high. I agree with everything people are saying here, and yes, you should definitely go to the doctor. Although a simple rash without eventual blister-formation would be unusual for a herpes outbreak, especially a first occurrence.


If she performed oral sex, the main risk would be acquiring HSV-1, but the chances are good that you already have that, since a majority of Americans do by their teens (they have it orally). In that case, the body already has antibodies to HSV-1, making reinfection with HSV-1 genital very, very unlikely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to rivers and whitedaisies for the comments.


Update: I finally went to the doctor. While she certainly never said anything definitive it was clear that she thinks I have herpes. My behavior followed by the rash along with the visual seemed to be way more convincing evidence than however much of an anomaly it is that I didn't have blisters and the rash has lasted 4+ months (it's still there). She said that herpes is pretty diverse.


She said she couldn't take a culture because the sores weren't wet. They seem to be as wet as they've ever been to me but who knows. I did take a CDC blood test so I'll know those results in a little more than a week.


Thanks again for everyone's support and anymore comments or questions are appreciated.

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