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Herpes outbreaks on both sides of body/sensitive skin

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Hello all... I've heard conflicting information on this. Is it possible to get an OB on both sides of your body at the same time? I'm not sure if I'm going through an OB now or not. OB seemed to be under control for the past several months but the past few days my back has been bothering me on the right side and I woke up with bumps on my butt cheeks....3 small ones (not in a cluster but about an inch apart) just outside my butt crack on my left cheek and 2 small ones about 2 inches apart in the middle of my right one. They are not painful unless I pick at them. No prodrome symptoms at all. I have had prodrome in the past but never got an OB. This time bumps with no prodrome.


I have noticed that since getting H that my skin seems to be much more sensitive now. If I work out at the gym and sweat and don't shower when I get home, I wind up getting bumps within a day or two and irritated but I don't think it's an OB because it's not painful. So I always make sure to shower when I get home from the gym. Has anyone else experienced sensitive skin since acquiring H?


Thanks and hope everyone is having a great day.

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I have always had sensitive skin, and I'm pretty new into H, but whenever I get bumps they are never painful and I have only had the "tingly" prodome symptoms once. I especially get bumps now like an hour after shaving and they are usually gone by the next day. However, anything remotely resembling potential H down there I treat as such just to be safe. The only way to know for sure its getting them checked out.


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I have always had sensitive skin too, i have to be cautious with excersize/sweat/lotion/clothing.

I think ive had similar bumps to what u have described, execpt when it happened to me, i was super itchy there before the bumps appeared.

Maybe theyre little pimples instead of h?


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok wanted to update


Went to a dermatologist today practising 40 plus years so he's old and has seen it all. He looked at my bumps and said it was eczema....no question b I have very sensitive skin.


I still want to get them swabbed when a Fresh one comes but maybe the body fighting the virus has made our skin more sensitive


Anyway going back in a week. Have some cream to use. I hope this is it for the mysterious bumps. Either way I have a reputable resource that I feel confident I can go to



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