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Who has gotten HSV1 -G, NOT through oral sex? And who has transmitted genitals to genitals.

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Hi guys,


So, first of all, I just wanted to say that I have hsv1 genitally. I was diagnosed over the summer and have only had the initial outbreak since. I almost forget that I have it and it's honestly been a breeze. I'm so much more optimistic about it.


My question is, how many of you have gotten HSV1 through regular sex, without oral sex? And how many of you have transmitted it genital to genitals?


I know that's a very personal question, but I would really like to know. I'm dating a man that has accepted my HSV1. I disclosed it to him hy telling him that I have the oral strain, and that he has probably dated or has been exposed to this virus sometime in his life. He took it quite well actually. I did tell him that there was a small risk of getting it though and he understands. We're still seeing each other and we are sleeping together, unprotected. I'm thinking about going on suppressive therapy just to be safer.



My story: I dated a man over the summer who I guess has had cold sores since a child. He was a surfer and stayed out in the sun with no sunblock. I'm guess that's what happened when he went down on me and transmitted it to me. He only went down on me once, but I guess it's all that takes. A couple weeks later I had full blown, treacherous, herpes on my genital region.


I was very, very, unhappy about it. However, I've noticed it hasn't done anything to my life, and I'm perfectly fine. :)


I would reallt live to hear how other people have contracted it and if anyone has transmitted hsv1 genital to genital.


I'm also open to new friends. :)

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Hello and Welcome!


First - regarding the typos - there is an edit button to the right of your name on every post so you can always correct it later ... I don't care as long as it makes enough sense for me to figure out what you are trying to say, but sometimes it would really help if people corrected some of the massive auto-correct fails I've seen on here...LOL


I don't know if you will get much in the way of numbers regarding whether people know for sure where they got it... especially if they don't know the origins. But I'm willing to bet that the vast majority got it from oral just going on the shedding rates in the two areas, and the fact that many like you have a minimal number of OB's down there with H1 once it settles down.


Shedding rates:


HSV-1 genital 3-5%

HSV-1 oral 9-18%


So just based on these numbers, the genital risk *should* be 1/3 of the oral risk. And if your partner already has HSV1 oral (he has an 80% chance of having had cold sores as a kid even if he doesn't remember it) he will already have antibodies which will further protect him. If you add taking antivirals, the risk would probably be less than 1% from genital sex ... especially once your symptoms settle down which may take a few months.


The anti-virals may help with your symptoms as well so you may want to consider that as an option at least for the moment while you guys are figuring all this out :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

I got HSV 1 genital to genital...


Ive since told friends who get coldsores that by giving oral they can give someone genital herpes... they had no idea! Its made me think how many guys she has accidentally given it to and will never know....


People should definitely know about it!

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@lost - did you mean oral to genital ... your post says G2G but you say you don't know how many guys *she* has accidentally given it to after the conversation about cold sores.


And yes, it would *help* if people were tested and knew to at least be more careful with oral sex.... but I bet there would be a lot of really freaked out people if everyone got tested tomorrow ... which is probably why the CDC doesn't want this to get changed :(

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I have ghsv-1 but I couldn't tell you if it was from oral or regular sex. No one I was with had cold sores *to my knowledge, but then again, I guess my BEST friend use to get them, and I never knew that either. Also, didn't know they had it genitally if they did either. The unsolved mystery.


I actually brought up oral sex to my current boyfriend, that is the one thing he won't do since I found out about H (to me, he accepts blowjobs no problem, haha.) I said, if you already ever had cold sores its not like I can give it to you again, at first he was adamant that he has never had cold sores, but when I brought it up again recently he said maybe when he was a kid he did. So.... even if he never got another cold sore its still in his body! Just shows, if it was so long ago people don't even remember! Scary thought.

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