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Herpes Treatments

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I just found out I have genital herpes a few days ago from a primary outbreak and the biggest downsides are the pain from the bumps and the body aches. I am more on the natural side of treatment because of the issues with medications. I have only been using tea tree oil and it soothes it some and I just ordered some lemon balm and propolis from iHerb.com. Diet-wise, I've been eating a lot of dairy, vegetables, and fruits because of the lysine and flavonoids. Just finding out I have genital herpes, there are loads of questions I have. Does anyone know if these natural treatments actually work? What are some of the best natural treatments to put on the bumps? What are some supplements I can take to help it internally? How can I ease the body aches? My doctor also says to just run water over my genital area but they are still spreading. How can I help stop this? I'm a college student taking 17 hours trying to get into medical school with a job so my body needs to be at it's best lol



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well as far as the spreading, you can auto-inoculate in the beginning stages. after a few months your body will have the antibodies present to attempt to fight off secondary sites. though you will still want to follow good hygiene practices, esp when dealing with sores. soap will kill the virus so im not sure why your doctor has you only using water unless the soap burns. I use tea tree oil, just be careful. im a male and no longer use it on my testicles as its cause some ubber drying of that more sensitive skin, which led to a freak out, lol. the jury is out on supplements, they work for some but not all. mainly lysine, zinc and vit c. I also like peroxide for sores and Epson baths. shower first (wouldn't want to stew in your own filth would you?) the draw a nice hot bath, sit down and pour the salt right between your legs and let it dissolve. read a good book ( tom robbins or Christopher moore) and soak. pat the area dry or use a hair dryer on low ( a lot of the ladies here do that, im too impatient). there can be trigger foods, have to figure that one on your own to some degree. chocolate is suppose to be one as is caffeine. dancer uses alum on sores and it dries them up quick. as for pain, I recommend blue moon.

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