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What specifies an outbreak...

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My first one was not too bad, just two blisters about 8 months ago but really bag leg and back pain. About a month ago I got the leg pain again and even though it felt like there should have been blisters there never were. I checked constantly and nothing ever popped up. Still the leg pain lasted about 2 weeks, and although there were no blisters there was a lot of general discomfort. Is this prodromal symptoms or was this an outbreak? Do people normally get "outbreaks" with no blisters? The second I felt the leg pain I doubled up on acyclovir though so I guess this may have had something to do with it...

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I think what u felt might have been just prodromal symptons. Prodromes are what u feel right befor an o.b. and not always does an o.b. occure. So i think ur body is doing a great job at trying to keep it at bay!

Its quite possible this pain u feel is a prodrome and seeing as u doubled the meds when it happened and not o.b. occured, kinda proves that theory.


So basically from my understanding.... the virus has entered Through the skin. It then follows a or a couple nerves and then hides in the base of the spine. Then once and a while sometimes no reason, sometimes a trigger will upset it and it folloes through that save nerve in entered from back up. This is when u feel prodromes. And then a possible o.b. .... so if ur able to attavk the virus via meds, or lysine or w/e works for u, while u feel a prodrome, chances are the o.b. wont occure.

But when having prodromes, the virus is more easily transmittable just like with an o.b.

So just avoid sxy time when u feel prodromes!



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