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having herpes prevent you from working holiday visas in aus and nz?

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I want to apply in the next few months, but with my previous countries ive travelled to, ill need to bave a full medical done with the application, so it dawned an on me that in the blood results this could stop them granting the visa.


anyone have any experience in this?


thanks in advance



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Nope - Herpes is not an identifiable disease so it won't prevent you getting a visa, OR any kind of job, including getting into the Military :)


They won't test for Herpes in the test ... more likely drugs, maybe AIDS and or Hep C


Remember, there isn't one country (that *I* have heard of) that actually tests for Herpes as part of their medical testing :)

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Thanks for this guys.


I have already applied once for a visa, I saw hiv was tested, but at the time on the bloods exam which was in spanish, I didnt even know what hsv was, so couldnt remember if it was on there or not.


As part of the medical the dr did ask if I take any medication, prior to herpes I just said aspirin from time to time. Would the urine test pick up if I had recently taken herpes medication? I should say that I take herpes meds but would be worried it would affect the application.

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It doesn't matter if a urine test will detect it or not because all of the antivirals used to treat genital H can be used to treat oral H. If you're that concerned about it, just say that you have it orally. Anyway, urine testing is used to detect specific medications (usually amphetamines, such as Adderall and Ritalin, and other commonly abused medications) and drugs. It's not like they can see every single medication you've taken in the past x hours. They may see that you took something else, but it's not going to be so specific that they'll know exactly what it is unless it's one of the drugs they're screening for (which I guarantee it's not lol).

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