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The SOB just won't go away

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A week ago I developed a single, small pimple like spot on the tip of the head (the small head to be clear). I left it alone for a couple of days hoping it would go away by itself. Only thing I did was starting taking Acyclovir.it doesn't appear to do much. After my first ob when I took Valtrex I had not taken any medication. After a couple of more days I decided to attack the spot with topical zinc in an attempt to dry the sucker out. Didn't seem to have much of an affect either. Two days ago it finally burst and I thought I would be homefree. I put zinc on it again over night only to wake up to it being filled up with puss again. I then tried with hydrogen peroxide which didn't do shit either, and lastly I tried to draw it out with a melaleuca based gel which I used on my initial ob and which seemed to help then. Ghe spot did raise up a bit looking like it was about to burst again, but then it settled back down again.


With this little annoying thing still rearing its ugly head a full week later I am at loss on what to do. I did buy a bottle of alum which Dancer so highly recommends. I am just a bit afraid of putting it on one of the most sensitive areas on my body. Is it safe to use alum in this particular spot? Also, Dancer, I didn't realize the alum comes in powder form, I thought it was a liquid. Do you dilute it in water before applying it, or how do you do it?


I really want this sucker gone, as it's my only visible reminder of H at the moment.


Yes you can put the alum there ... I've put it right in the very, VERY sensitive folds of my vajajay and while it *may* sting like a SOB (be prepared to DANCE!!!) it should dry it right up. If you are a little worried about putting the powder right on it, make a strong solution (maybe 1/2 tsp in a large shot glass of warm water) and dip your willy into it to start ;) I used to do the solution thing but I'm a "cut to the chase" person and started using it neat and found that it works a lot faster that way :p


Bit the bullet. I first dipped a q-tip in some water and then dipped it in alum before applying it to the bump. Didn't feel a thing, nothing! Then decided to go all out and put it on non-diluted. Again, nothing. Nada, zip, zilch nichts!


Either I am super human and resistent to everything, except H of course, or it has to do with that the skin is not broken and the alum does not reach its target.


What else can I do? I'm out of options.


Alrite, so on day nine now with this shit. I know you are not supposed to pop them, but I am at the point where I am sooo tempted doing just that. What are possible repercussions for popping it and then throw some more alum into the spot?


I have tried just about anything but pretty much no change. I had high hopes for the alum, but not even that does nothing. Probably because it can't break through the skin. As soon as the spot seems to get smaller and almost disappears, it appears to find new strength. I have no physical symptoms what so ever, but mentally it's frustrating to see it every time I go wee wee.


Is it normal for one single, small "blister" to last this long?


Weird - I find Alum dries all mine right up... open or not. Did it make it smaller at all? If so, did you stop putting the Alum on?


If you are up to opening it up and putting Alum in it, that really should do the trick.


There's always the possibility that this isn't a Herpes OB and that you have something like Folliculitis or something else going on .. so if the Alum doesn't do it when you open it up, I'd get a Dr to look at it.


I may just have to try opening it up and pour the alum in it.


I have never ever had a spot on this location before so I automatically assumed it was H. It has varied back in forth in size a little. Can a herpes blister "refill" after it has once been opened and cleared? This one refilled within 12 hrs after it popped the first time. I'm just baffled it has lasted this long.


Actually it sounds like this may be something else all together ... for now try the alum and if that doesn't work, get thee to a Dr ... it's likely nothing "bad" but useful to know what the cause is if it comes back later ;)


Went ahead and popped it and then put the alum on it. Again, couldn't feel a thing. I'm starting to wonder if I got the correct alum. I ordered it from one of the Amazon links you posted. It says (NH4)Al(SO4)2 and the brand is LoudWolfLimited, a 4oz bottle. Is that the one you use?


Will report back tomorrow whether or not the white head stays away or not.

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