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Blood test

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So I'm certain I have ghsv2 because the swab came back positive and the pcr is pretty darn accurate. My question is about my blood work for hsv1. My IgG level is 2.0. Now anything above 1.10 is positive according to my result sheet but isn't that in the gray area? To be really positive is greater than 3, right? I don't remember having cold sores but my mom got them for as long as I can remember. So I assume I was exposed at some point. But the low number has me puzzled. Could I have gotten that down south recently too?!

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Heya, ya, anything above 3.5 is conclusive... Could it be a recent exposure? That could explain the lower results. Otherwise, you might fall into the category of false positives. I wonder also if there is any cross-reactivity... Don't quote me on this, but I was told that the inverse is possible... if you have high levels of HSV1, it can affect your HSV2 results. So, I would only assume that the inverse could be possible. Again, maybe something to look into. But if you really want to be sure, the western blot is the 'gold standard'. Hope this helps.

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I would re-test around 4 months post exposure (or 4 months post your swab if you are not sure of the exposure date). If it's below 3.5 I would do the Western Blot test - both to get a better idea of what may be going on and because the staff at Westover Heights will give you the best advice around the results :)


Dr. Lisa Taulbee at the Westover Heights Clinic,http://westoverheights.com/ (503) 226-6678 ... she can order the test for you through Quest Labs. It costs $5/minute for a consult … cheap IMO for clarity and/or peace of mind.


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Well I'm pretty certain it's at least hsv2... Pos swab and zero antibodies. I plan on rechecking blood soon just to make sure I got antibodies for that and to "confirm" a recent diagnosis. Are most antibody levels high if you've had hsv1 for a long time, like if I had gotten it from my mom when I was little? Or could mine just naturally be lower? I'm not sure what I could gain from a western blot. I already know I have the one and intend to be careful with future interests. And I have no idea when I was exposed to hsv1 since I don't know where it is. I've never had an outbreak besides for hsv2.

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It would just let you know for sure if you DO have it ... it won't tell you where BUT odds are you would have it orally as 80% of the population has it there .. (60% of children have it by the time they are young adults) ...


Of course, if a family member remembers you having a cold sore as a kid, you would have your answer there too ;)

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I personally wouldn't sweat it much ... as I said - 80% of the population has it orally. I would just be careful that if you think you *may* have something happening on your lips, you don't have oral sex... the reason the CDC doesn't like to test people without symptoms is exactly this reaction ... especially with oral HSV1 ... there's not much we can do about it except do our best to be careful knowing we *may* be shedding ;)

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