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Opportunity weekend locations and training?

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Are there other locations for opportunity weekends, such as bay area or LA, california? Otherwise, i am interested in organizing a support group or meetup in my area, both to support others, and myself, as i currently know no one else who has it (or more likely, who knows they have it). Any suggestions (ie via planned parenthood, meetup, etc)?



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At the moment, no, there are no H Opp weekends outside of NC :( . At some point @Adrial hopes to train more of us to run the weekends in other areas.


There are likely already some support groups in your area ... we have some listed here:




If they are not close enough, contact them and see if they know of any others.


One thing you have to be careful of if you organize a support group is that it HAS to be guided in a way that helps to inform and support people, so it doesn't devolve into a pity party of people talking about nothing but how bad their OB's are and how much life sucks. Look at most chat groups around H and you will see that many threads, if not all, devolve into concentrating on the negative ... and that doesn't support anyone in their healing and growth ;)


Planned Parenthood would be a good place to start if you do start a support group though. They often have various group support systems in place.



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