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Condoms cause bacterial infections!!! Help

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Diagnosed with H 7 weeks ago. I randomly get bacterial infections since my hysterectomy in 2006, seems likely spermicide was the culprit. Well now that I have to use condoms I get BV after sex. Guess I'm allergic to condoms. Maybe the latex. Idk. What kind of no latex condom can I use that doesn't have spermicide. I'm miserable!!!


Most condoms do not contain spermicide. Maybe you are allergic to the lubrication? Unlubricated condoms are available. Maybe you are allergic to latex? Polyurethane and sheepskin condoms are available. There are dozens of different condoms, I'm sure you can find one that does not irritate you.


The sheepskin sound gross, but as a guy I find them the most comfortable and sensitive. Only downside is they cost several dollars each.


@ beachdude, may want to look at the sheepskin ones again as I think they don't actually protect against STIs. made of a membrane which is permeable if I recall.


Sheepskin has SOME protection against STDs I believe, but not nearly as much as latex or polyurethane. Sheepskin is porous. Personally, I wouldn't trust it.


I'm allergic to latex and get infections super easy. I don't think it's the condoms causing BV because they shouldn't have any bacteria on them. Make sure you two wash your hands really well in case it's bacteria from putting the condoms on. If his penis slips out and touches anywhere near your anus, put on a new one. Most bacterial infections are caused by bacteria transfer from the anus to vagina. Wipe front to back as well. If you're scratching while having an allergic reaction, that could also cause a bacterial infection. An allergic reaction could cause a yeast infection, however, because it upsets the vaginal balance.


I use polyurethane. It can slip a bit, so just be careful with it. You may have to try multiple brands to find one you like. The first one we tried was too tight for my boyfriend and actually caused him a lot of pain after a while. It made me feel like I had a friction burn, too, even though I was plenty wet. I think it was Skyn. LifeStyles are a lot better, but it occasionally starts to slip. Pregnancy isn't a concern for us and we're both H+. We just use them currently while waiting for my chlamydia retest results, so it's not that big of a deal if it starts to slip - he just puts on a new one. I think it may be from the lubrication because they feel like there's a ton on them.


You get BV with sex because you are introducing bacteria inside your vagina .... that and the irritation from sex (or the condoms/spremicidals/lubes) gives the bacteria a way to get in and Bingo, you have BV.


I would google BV and diet - see if you can try to change what you are eating to help your body to fight the bacteria ... odds are your body is out of balance and the "good" bacteria (that fight off the "bad" bacteria) are lacking for some reason... just found this one report from the NCBI ... I know there will be great articles on the actual diet out there too ...





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