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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

Just found out I have herpes

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Prior to going to the Dr I had some bumps to come on the side of my leg that looked unusual. So I scheduled my appointment and had the Dr. to look at it. Right off the bad he said you have herpes. The lab work came back positive. So naturally I had mental break down. I have since read a lot of literature on the subject and tried many of the home remedies that people say that work for them. I would like to just have conversation with anybody going through this rather than having to explain to Dr. what I am going though. (Anybody: male or female) advice greatly appreciated

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Hello and welcome.


I have been living with H. for almost a year now. Its not that long, but i have been trough many stages in the healing process already. I will gladly share advices, expirience and whatever needed to help you deal with this. so Feel fre to message me if you want to :)

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Hello and Welcome!


I'm a 35 yr veteran ... I managed to get genital herpes on my first sexual experience at 17. I can tell you, the stigma is FAR worse than the actual virus for 99% of people (a very few do have a really rough time with the virus).


I suggest you read as much as you can - check out the FAQ section, the Success Stories, and all the latest posts... ask as much as you need to ... rant, journal, whatever. We are here to help you to realize that herpes generally creates more mental anguish than physical pain in the long run ... AND ... you don't have to buy into the stigma. You don't need to let it run your life. You are not Herpes. You are still you ... you can still find love, have kids, have your dream job, and live a very normal life. You just have a virus that may make you slow down how fast you jump into bed in future relationships (which can be a GOOD thing because you get to know the other person better first...and often avoid getting into a relationship that may be a really poor choice in the long run!)


Here's some links to get you started :)




Handouts + disclosure e-book:









Herpes facts video
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