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@seeker uses it and has had a lot of success with it. I haven't used it but as I recall he said he sprays it on, leaves it awhile, then pats it dry and uses a blow drier on low to completely dry the area.


We have a lot of suggestions in these links:







Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum





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He uses it on the skin ... I would be careful about drinking it - I know some people do, but I don't recommend it.


I have seen a lot on it but have red horrible story's where they Break out in Random places they never have.some say that is virus trying to get out wherever it can? Let me know thanks!


PLEASE GET THE HELL OFF GOOGLE!!!! I can't say this enough!! There is a LOT of BAD information out there!





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