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Breakup after 1st Post-H relationship with H- Partner. So many feelings...

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This is mostly going to be me venting, but I'm super frustrated and a little sad. Not too long ago I ended my first relationship after my diagnosis. My boyfriend was very accepting of my indisposition, and we had a relatively healthy relationship (or sex life, rather. relationship could've been better..). We broke up for totally unrelated reasons. I know I'll find love again, but this is the first time I've gone through a breakup and not been able to rebound. I definitely gave up on hook ups after I was diagnosed, but I'm just dreading going through this process all over again. I hate being 21 and not being able to have something that isn't serious. Flings and herpes just don't go in the same sentence. I know it's best to hold out for someone that truly cares about me and what not, but i'm just super bummed right now.

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Sorry things didn't work out... but you now know that herpes doesn't have to keep you from finding love ;)


Flings and herpes just don't go in the same sentence.


Not true. It's just that many people realized that their reason for having flings wasn't necessarily a "healthy" one (ie they didn't like being alone, they were looking for validation, etc) so they use herpes as a good excuse to stop hooking up.


You *can* have flings ... you just have to get good at disclosing without taking rejection personally. AND you would be surprised how many people are ok with the risk - to be honest, if you prefer casual sex, you have to know you are taking at least *some* rick on an STD ;)


http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/70/herpes-disclosure-and-casual-sex general discussion

http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/2056/semi-success-i-dont-know-just-read-it thiisgoingtobeok



This was discussed pretty extensively here too:




The only thing that is stopping you is your fear and your buying into the stigma ... honest..




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