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Wife just started to feel sick

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We went to dinner as we walked in she said I feel like I could get sick! I am still trying to come around that is last thing we need. She has had her sores for week or two but has felt nothing. Has anyone had there symptoms come on like that just feel sick all of sudden? Maybe just needed some food she is laying down now. What are moms to do when they feel that bad and are breast feeding??little one will not eat formula.


She can still breast feed... and moms get sick all the time when they are breast feeding! We get through it. We have to. She won't pass it to the baby if that is your worry.


Your wife insists on not going to the Dr ... if she would she might be able to get on the meds (they WON'T hurt the baby) to reduce the symptoms. Please don't add the guilt of her not feeling well to all your other stuff - she is making her own choice to not go get help.


And ... it could be stomach flu or food issues .... but without going to the Dr, she won't know that either :/



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