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I've been trying SO hard to manage my stress (I'm a higher stress person to begin with) but I've just about lost it!

Mold exploded in the room where my turtles live so I now am having to re-seal, texture and paint the entire room; my oven died on me; my 2" sewer line backed up resulting in a visit from a plumber; I've had to sandbag my house to prevent it from flooding in the recent storms; I've had a 4" sewer line backup and flood my house on multiple occasions which has led to 3 plumbers snaking and video feeding my lines, a county crew digging up the back corner of my yard and cleaning their lines and then finally at midnight tonight a visit from a fourth plumber coming, checking the line again and finding a 10" long root that appears to have been the culprit this whole time and missed by everyone; I've had my initial OB and HSV2 diagnosis; and I've come up with pinkeye...all in the last 6 weeks. I'm a very strong, independent woman who owns her own home, lives alone and has been known to do things like install a hot water heater without assistance or any prior knowledge on such things but today I'm tired. My emotional, physical and financial banks are are the end of their rope but tonight I'm going to try and sleep a little more than last night, thankful for Marshall the plumber who was immensely understanding of my frustrations and the only one out of 7 professionals who could solve the mystery of the broken plumbing at RL Manor.

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Awwww - (((HUGS)))) - so sorry life is throwing lemons at you faster than you can catch and squeeze them for lemonade. Believe me, I've been there.... I had a 15 year stint of wondering when the next shoe would fall. It all culminated in me hitting menopause and giving up on allowing things to get to me.... it took some practice, but now when something comes up, I just take a deep breath and center and believe that the universe will eventually level things out and it always does. And BTW, when I got there, I got a tattoo to remind me that I can rise above anything and that all that other stuff is behind me. ;)


This weekend, see if you can get away for a day or the weekend and do something just for you..... pamper yourself. It's easy to keep going and going and forget to nurture ourselves. You need to re-fill your self love tank a bit ... even if it's just a cheap motel and a book or a bunch of dvd's - get away from it .... so you can deal with what you need to do.


Finally, with all that - maybe, juuust maybe the universe is sending you a message? I find that when things just won't go right, it's because something is out of balance.... often something I'm fighting to hold onto.... I could be wrong, but think on it...ok??



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